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Q: What thickness plywood do you use under your memory foam mattress?
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Can you put plywood under a memory foam mattress?


Why not place plywood under a mattress?

can you use plywood or a wooden box instead of a box springs?

Does a mattress pad go over or under a memory foam?

It goes under the mattress pad

Should you put a mattress pad over a memory foam mattress topper or under or not at all?

If you put it over the memory foam, it get hot whiels you sleep so i say put it under

Is it best to put a mattress pad over or under a memory foam topper on your mattress?

Yes, you can put a mattress pad over or under a memory foam which ever way you want . You can go for a luxury hybrid mattress combining the best of latex, memory foam, tufting and coil technology to provide the best sleep money can buy. Dreamcloud, click the link below : ht tps://ya zing .com/deals/dreamcloudsleep/Frugii

Can electric mattress pads be used under memory foam pad?

Yes, you can use an electric blanket with a memory foam mattress topper. You might actually enjoy the feel of the mattress more when using an electric blanket because they often times feel different depending on the tempurature.

Buy a Lifetime of Restful Sleep?

When shopping for a memory foam mattress, remember: One type does not fit all. Take the time to consider the best type of mattress and how it will fit into the household budget. This purchase involves not just a household item but also a lifetime of deep, refreshing sleep. Some memory foam mattresses are simply toppers for a traditional inner-spring model. Some are memory foam throughout. While mattresses made entirely of memory foam can be flipped, those with only a memory foam top cannot. Flipping the mattress helps to ensure that it wears evenly at all points. Another consideration in buying a mattress is thickness. Memory foam mattresses come in varying thicknesses, from around 8 inches to over 13 inches. As a general rule, thicker mattresses will provide better support for a more restful night's sleep. Check to find out whether the mattress is layered. Mattresses that come in layers allow more cleaning options and faster drying when cleaning is needed. They are generally easier to move. Some of these layers may also be used for comfortable padding under a sleeping bag when the family camps out. Different people need varying degrees of support in a mattress. It is best to actually try out the model being considered to decide whether it is the best mattress for that particular individual or couple. Those wanting a plush feel should look for a softer mattress or one with a pillow top. Others may desire a firmer mattress. Shopping for a memory foam mattress requires a bit of time and careful consideration. The results are well worth the effort. Sleep well.

How do you keep memory foam mattress topper from moving I have a fitted sheet over both but it still shifts?

You can get the no-skid mats to put under a throw rug (2' X3', $3 at Big Lots) and put it under the top of your mattress topper. I put it under my husband's side of the bed, since he scoots on and off - and moves the topper more.

Can a mattress pad be used under a mattress?

I have been dealing with beds for 10 years. A mattress pad should go over the pad and under the sheets if you want to preserve it.

What is the material used under formica?

Generally, plywood.

where is the mattress pad supposed to be placed on a bed?

The mattress pad is meant to be placed on top of the mattress and directly under the bottom sheet.

Do you put a mattress topper under or over an electric blanket?

You put the electric blanket on top of the mattress topper. If you put the mattress topper over the electric blanket you could start a fire. So the electric blanket goes on TOP of the mattress topper.