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Buttons used to be made from whale bones. The oil for oil lamps of the olden days was also made from whale. Components in some candle wax may contain parts of whales. The New Zealand food "Moby Dick on a stick" which is basically a whale kabob is obviously made from whale.

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Q: What things can be made from whales?
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What are the things made from whales fat?

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Where do whales get their food?

It depends on which whales you are talking about. Different whales eat different things.

Are snack whales made of real whales?

No, they are not.

Why whale are sharks and not whales?

Whales are mammals while sharks are not. Sharks also have a skeleton made mainly out of cartilage while whales have a skeleton made out of bone. Sharks also have gills while whales must breathe in air. Sharks eat different things then whales.

What is a whales teeth made out of?

blue whales dont have teeth

What fears killer whales?

the things that killer whales seals and penguins.

Can humpback whales eat fin whales?

No. Humpbacks belong to the group of baleen whales - filter feeders. They can't swallow big things and they don't have the teeth to bite things apart or chew.

What made all of the blue whales die?

the blue whales did not die

What things do whales eat on land?


What else eats whales?

things larger

Why are you killing whales?

Whales are killed for food and other by products from which a profit is made.

Can you list what kind of things killer whales eat?

fish, squid, dolphin, seals, whales, and penguins