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Gastritis is a disorder in which the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed or eroded. This ailment might be acute, which means it only lasts a short time, or chronic, which means it lasts a long time.

Some of the symptoms that patients with Gastritis will face are listed below.

Abdominal discomfort

Consistent irritable bowel syndrome and indigestion



Uncomfortable stomach

Stool containing blood

Loss of appetite.

Having a lot of hiccups

The symptoms differ from person to person, and in certain chronic situations, the patient displays the bulk of the symptoms listed above.

Gastritis can be caused by a variety of factors.

Excessive use of Alcoholic Beverages.

Vomiting that does not stop.

Anti-inflammatory drug or pharmaceutical consumption that is out of control Stress, both physical and mental.

Unhealthy eating habits.

Bacterial and viral illnesses can be spread by living in filthy conditions.

Another factor that leads to the beginning of Gastritis is bile backflow into the stomach. The medical name for this is bile reflux.

H. Pylori, a bacteria, can also cause gastroenteritis. This bacteria is typically found in the mucus that lines the lining of the stomach. This condition can arise when there is an oversupply of these bacteria, which, if left untreated, can lead to stomach cancer in later stages.

Many individuals believe that the best technique to treat Gastritis is to use homeopathy. Chronic gastritis can also be efficiently treated with constitutional Homeopathic treatment, which comprises a comprehensive examination of the patient's physical and psychological health status, as well as their medical history.

We have the skills and expertise to care for Gastritis people in need and to help them live better lives in every manner we can. At Dr. Care Homeopathy, you can get homeopathy treatment for gastritis in Hyderabad.

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Pathan Sam

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I know H.Polori can cause gastritis because that's how I got gastritis

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