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A hermit crab needs food, water, a spray bottle to spray the ground, and a shelter their might be other things but that is all i know.

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Q: What things do you need to keep 2 hermit crabs?
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How do hermit crabs breath?

As most people know hermit crabs have gills most animals that breathe under water have gills for example a fish. The hermit crabs gill's can work on land but in order for the hermit crab to survive they hermit crabs gills have to be moist....

Do you have to keep your hermit crabs in salt water if you got them from the ocean?

Although I do not recommend keeping hermit crabs from the ocean, yes you need saltwater. They are salt water creatures.

What temperature do hermit crabs need to live?

hermit crabs need to live in 70-80 degree temprature

Is it legal to take home a hermit crab from the beach?

No, it is not legal. You must have a permit to harvest hermit crabs from the beach even if it is only one. Additionally, the majority of the hermit crabs found on the beach especially in North America are marine hermit crabs and they will not be able to survive in the kind of habitat that is designed for Land Hermit Crabs. They need a full salt water reef setup and must live under water.

Can you keep hermit crabs with other animals in the same habitat?

Very few. Because hermit crabs need to remain stationary to molt they need to be kept with their own kind to avoid being cannibalized. Some owners do add rollie pollie bugs to their crab tanks as cleaners and that has proven to be quiet successful.

Do land hermit crabs need to be bathed?

no no

Do hermit crabs need a mate?


Do you need to give hermit crabs baths?


Do hermit crabs need a special shampoo?


Do hermit crab need a lot of care?

Hermit crabs don't require lots of care but do need some. Like, Water, Food, Water dish, food dish, extra shells, things to climb on, hermie hut (or place to hide,) correct substrate, and hermit crabs.

Can you put camilion and hermit crabs together in 1 tank?

No hermit crabs need high humidity (70-85%)

How do you know when you hermit crabs are matting?

Hermit crabs in captivity cannot mate. Unless you live on a tropical island with wild hermit crabs, there's no need to worry. They were probably just playing.