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Herod didn't want a king to rank higher than him; he wanted no competition.

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Q: What threat was Jesus to Herod?
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What country did Jesus parent escape to?

When word got out that King Herod was after Jesus and his family, they escaped to Egypt. Jesus was thought to be the King of Kings and Herod thought of him as a threat.

What family was a threat to Herod the Great?

Herod the Great believed that the Hasmonaeans were a major threat. Herod hoped that marrying one of their princesses would help, but he remained paranoid about them.

What country did Mary Joseph and Jesus go to?

Shortly after Jesus was born, his family fled to Egypt to escape King Herod who wanted to kill Jesus because he felt he was a threat to his power after Jesus was called "The King of Kings".

What name did Jesus call King Herod?

Jesus referred to Herod as 'that fox'.

Who was king when Jesus was doing his miracles?

Herod Antipas was the king during the time when Jesus was performing his miracles.

Why did the Roman authorities send Jesus to Herod Antipas?

Pilate learned that Jesus was a Galilean and was under Herod's jurisdiction. So Pilate sent Jesus to Herod, who had heard about Jesus and had wanted to see Him.

Why did people like Herod and Pilate want to kill John the Baptist and Jesus?

Herod, like his father, was an evil man, jealous of his position and viewed Jesus as the prophisied of King and perceived Jesus therefore as a threat. Though professing to be religious Herod had closer ties with Godless Rome than his subjects. Pilate did not want to kill Jesus, in fact he gave the Jews an option to not so do. The Jews rejected that option, preferring a seditioness, murderer and thief be release to them and Jesus be crucified. Pilate stated he found no fault with Jesus but to please the Jews he released Jesus to them to be crucified.

Why was it important that Herod be ruling when Jesus came?

It was important herod keeps ruling when jesus came because at that time,jesus was still a baby and was tender.

Where did Jesus hide from Herod?

God warned Joseph in a dream to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt to avoid the wrath of Herod.

Who was the king jesus was sent to see?

Herod Antipas son of Herod the Great

Who was the king of Bethlehem in Jesus' time?

In the bible the king who was ruling Bethleham was king Herod.

Where was Herod when Jesus was crucified?

he was dead