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The states of Washington and Oregon are probably what you are looking for.

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Q: What two states are near Puget Sound?
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What western city has Puget sound?

More than one city is on Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington and Seattle, Washington are two.

Do frilled sharks live in puget sound?

Two examples are the basking shark and six gill shark

Name the sound and strait that are labeled on the map. which two states are near them?

man what is the answer

Name and sound and strait that are labeled on the map and which two states are near them?

man what is the answer

Which two narrow passages of water flow into the Puget Sound in Washington?

Admiralty Inlet and Deception Pass are two narrow passages of water flow into the Puget Sound in Washington. ============== It is the Strait of Georgia and Strait of Juan De Fuca.

Which two narrow passages of water flows into the puget sounds?

The term "Puget Sound" is used not just for the body of water but also the general region centered on the sound, including the Seattle metropolitan area.

What connects two peninsulas and thirteen islands and is the largest of its kind in North America?

That is the Puget Sound.

What is the best way to commute from seattle to the university of puget sound?

two busses and Amtrak train, would be my guess

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Two money makers, one fallen star. Three more then swam ashore then climbed into the family car. From the steel mills of Pennsylvania to the peers of the Puget Sound. HERE I AM, the last of seven. HERE I AM, last of seven...

Does jade Errol Puget have two dogs or one?

jade puget only has one dog named Munch who is a female. jade puget only has one dog named Munch who is a female.

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the coastal area is between these two mountain ranges

What is the two states of energy?

The 2 states of energy is oxygen and air!