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Q: What three states were completely contained as part of the Mexican cession?
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How did the US get the Mexican cession?

the United states paid Mexico $15 million dollars for this land, which became known as the mexican cession

Why did the US wanted the Mexican Cession?

The United States did want the Mexican cession because they wanted to govern and control their own resources.

The size of the United States was doubled with?

Mexican cession

What were two effects of the Mexican Cession?

The United States benefited from the Mexican Cession by gaining ground back. The land they gained became Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and California.

What was the Mexican cessation?

The Mexican Cession included the states of Alta California and Nuevo Mexico.

What was it called when Mexico had to give up states?

Mexican Cession.

What states cam out of Mexican cession?

From Mexican Cession, we got present-day California, Utah, Arizona, and parts of Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico.

The area given up by Mexico after the Mexican war was known as?

The Mexican Cession or the Mexican States of Alta California and Nuevo Mexico.

How much did the US pay for the Mexican Cession?

The United States had originally offered $30 million for the Mexican Cession. But Mexico refused. That angered the Americans. When the American army crossed the Nueces River, the Mexican army shot at the American army. That started the Mexican War. After the Mexican War, they signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. The treaty said that the Mexico had to cede the Mexican Cession and the United States had to give Mexico $15 million.

Who won the Mexican cession?

The United States won. See related links for further details.

What future states were part of the Mexican cession?

California and New Mexico

United States gained more than 525000 square miles of territory as a result of the Mexican American War called?

The Mexican Cession.