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Q: What three things spread Renaissance ideas?
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What three ideas of the Greeks did the humanists focus on?

Renaissance humanists focused on three ideas of the Greeks. They were history, philosophy, and arts.

What three things helped the Renaissance spread thoughout Europe?

The ways that helped the renaissance grow and spread through Europe is by spreading Roman Catholic culture. Spreading the culture helped people become closer to God and very much more religious.

What were the three ideas of an expression of the renaissance spirit?

Art, Literature, and the Printing Press.

What was the most important idea of the Renaissance?

The main idea of the Italian Renaissance was to create a resurgence of the ideas, architecture and art of antiquity. The people who started the Renaissance held things and ideas of antiquity in high regard and wanted to improve the culture by bringing them back into then-modern times.

What three things led to the decline in feudalism in the Renaissance?

Power Began to shift to common people The Bubonic Plague spread Serfs and Peasents abandoned and rebeled against feudal manors

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some one help me wit my h.w.

What are three things Titian did to become a renaissance man?

Painted, Was at lest 35, and was a Male

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What was three reasons why the printing press was so important to the spread of renaissance ideas?

The printing press allowed for the mass production of books, which made information more accessible to a wider audience. It helped spread Renaissance ideas more quickly across Europe. It also allowed for the dissemination of scientific, philosophical, and artistic knowledge, which fueled the intellectual and cultural developments of the Renaissance period.

What three things did Philip admire about the Greeks?

he admired their art, their ideas, and their armies.

In what four ways did the Renaissance spread to northern Europe?

The Renaissance in Northern Europe is described as the Northern Renaissance. At the time, there were only three countries present in Northern Europe: Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Here, Sweden included Finland and Norway included Iceland.