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Dietary Reference Intakes, or DRI, is a set of guidelines used for estimating daily intake levels of nutrients and other food components such as fiber.

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Q: What three words are estimated nutrients intake levels used for planning and evaluating the diets of healthy people?
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yes; its healthy because it is full of nutrients.

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Because they produce healthy sugars that give you minerals or nutrients

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a healthy balance of nutrients

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yes it is a healthy product because it has vegetables ,nutrients etc.

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Vegitables do lose some nutrients when cooked, but are still healthy.

How do you get the nutrients that you need to stay healthy?

You eat food with them in it

Why is alphabet soup healthy?

Because there are lots of nutrients in it.

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Why are nutrients essentil?

Nutrients help fuel your body and brain and are very necessary in a healthy person's life.

Why should you have a healthy nutrition?

There are many reasons to have healthy nutrition. Healthy nutrients keep your heart beating, your brain active and your muscles working. Nutrients also help build and keep bones, tendons, and muscles strong.