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8:46am UTC -4:00

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Q: What time did the north tower get hit?
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What hit the twin towers?

The first tower to get hit was the north tower.

What time did the first plane crash into the world trade centre?

The North Tower Was Hit At 8:46am The South Tower Was Hit At 9:03am

What time was the world trade center hit?

-North tower: 8:46 -North Tower Collapse: 10:28 -South tower: 9:03 -South tower Collaspe: 9:59

Which world trade center tower was hit first?

The north tower. It was hit at 8:46 a.m. The south tower was hit 17 minutes later at 9:03 a.m.

What tower did the first plane hit?

North Tower .

What time did the first tower got hit?

American Airlines Flight 11 hit the World Trade Center's North Tower (WTC1) at 8:46 A.M..

What flight hit the north tower?

the second terrorist flight hit the north tower while the third hit the pentagon and the fourth hit and open field in Pennsylvania.

What was the date and time the World trade center was hit north and South Tower?

The first plane that hit the wtc was at 8:46 eastern time

What time did the plane hit the twin towers?

8:46am flight 11 American airlines hit north tower 9:03am flight 175 united airlines hit south tower

What tower did the first plane hit on 911?

The South tower collapsed at approximately 9:59 a.m. followed by the North tower at at 10:28 a.m.The south Tower

What time was it when the first plane hit the North Tower?

in 1993Added: It was hit at exactly 8:46 AM - the second tower was struck at exactly 9:02 AM

How many minutes passes after the twin towers got hit that the pentagon got hit?

North Tower was hit at 8:46am, 17 minutes later South Tower was hit. The Pentagon was hit at 9:37am. So from the North Tower hit to the Pentagon hit, it was 69 minutes.