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Roads were formed in the following order:

  1. mud foot paths made by Native American hunting parties, usually along ridges up to end of 1700s
  2. mud tracks in towns and on people's properties, no wider than 1 wagon
  3. First Stone road in Eastern Pennsylvania - Forbes Road - was constructed in 1758 from Carlisle, Pennsylvania, to the French Fort Duquesne
  4. hay or other grains and even clothing fabrics thrown on muddy tracks
  5. broken rocks laid on muddy tracks
  6. "reddog" laid on muddy tracks - reddog is formed from burning coal at high temperatures, creating a sturdy "rock" with red to maroon coloring - from 1800s to 1970s or longer
  7. after oil was drilled in wells (late 1800s), they could make petroleum products such as automobile tires, early 1900s
  8. They could heat tar and spray it on roads, then apply a layer of gravel. This method is still in use.
  9. From learning to heat tar, they could make mounds of heated, gooey asphalt which was manually shoved and applied to a road bed after grading. Rolling and compression was done manually. Asphalt started being used after WWII. But it was more expensive than heated tar liquid and gravel preparations.
  10. Cement poured roads came in with making highways and toll roads, about 1965-69. Example: I-76 in PA
  11. However, even today, they still use asphalt patching. Rural areas still use tar and gravel which is cheaper for townships to maintain their roads. Coal produced reddog for roadways lessened after coal works closed down.
  12. Typically, you can tell what roads are state maintained (cement with asphalt patches), versus town (asphalt paved), versus rural or township (tar and gavel, or asphalt as a special expenditure).
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14y ago

The ancient Romans built the first paved roads using blocks of stone and were tightly fitted together. Some of the roads, like the Appian Way in Rome, still exist 2000 years later.

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Q: What time frame did the US make the first paved road?
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What state had the first paved road?

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Woodward Avenue may have been the first road paved with CONCRETE in the US. That occurred in 1909. The earliest paved roads in the US date at least to the 1820s. Most US cities had paved roads by the 1880s and 90s. The oldest KNOWN paved road is a 7 1/2 mile route in Egypt, not far from Cairo. It was built 4,600 years ago. The 2nd oldest is in Ur, in Iraq, at least 4,000 years old.

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should be paved. Better is an adverb

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A paved road. Metalled road.

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