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I think it's usually in the evening between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m.

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1mo ago

Peak internet usage typically occurs in the evening hours, between 8pm and 11pm, when most people are done with work and have leisure time to browse the internet. Additionally, weekends see higher overall internet usage compared to weekdays.

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Q: What time in a day do people the internet the most?
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How many people are online per day?

It is difficult to provide an exact number of people online per day as it varies based on a variety of factors such as time of day, region, and platform used. However, it is estimated that billions of people are online daily around the world.

How many people are online every day in the US?

There is no definitive answer to this question as the number of people online can vary based on time of day, day of the week, and other factors. However, on average, millions of people are online in the US each day across various devices and platforms.

What time of day do most people snack?

Most people tend to snack in the mid-afternoon, usually between 2-4pm, as well as in the evening after dinner.

Worldwide how many people are online at any one time?

It is difficult to provide an exact number as it constantly changes, but estimates suggest that over 4 billion people are online at any given time around the world. This number fluctuates throughout the day depending on time zones and various factors like daily routines and internet usage patterns.

How many people use the internet in Asia and Europe?

There are a range of estimates. But most have figured about 25 people per day. Unless they get kidnapped by there husbands in asia. If a reader doesn't mind doing a bit of arithmetic to add the number of users for a few countries to get totals for the continents, use the link provided to a chart of the number of internet users per country. As it is updated regularly, it should yield current data now, and in the furture.

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How many people use the internet a day?

There are over five million people who use the internet everyday. Harry you are wrong, there are more people who dont use the Internet than do Atm

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it depends on user..but 5 hours ..perfectly people waste their time..

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At the end of the day before you go to bed.

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Most of the time it is a Saturday because people have time and also then they do not usually have work the next day

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How many people join the internet every day in Pakistan?Read more:How_many_people_join_the_internet_every_day_in_Pakistan

What do people do most of the time?

At the end of the day before you go to bed.

What time of day are the most people on facebook?

around 10 pm

We found out that young people dispose of 4 hours of free time a day Does this sentence mean that people HAVE 4 hours of free time a day?

Most probably.

What is the most likely time of day when people will NOT answer the phone?

The most likely time of day when people will not answer the phone is during early morning hours, late at night, and during working hours.

What time of day are people most active?

The majority of people are most active from about 10:00 am till about 3:00 pm.

What time did you get to work?

People begin their work day at various times during the day and night. Most people begin their work day between 6 and 9 am.

What would happen if everybody turned off there TV's for a day?

Most people would be outside playing, but their is the internet, radios and MP3 players to keep people inside.