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Some research suggests that people who work out in the morning are more likely to stick with their exercise program, but this may be because they get it "out of the way" first thing and are thus less likely to skip an evening workout due to fatigue or a busy schedule. In addition, you may choose to exercise in the morning if you live in an area where smog, heat, or other environmental factors can spoil your (outdoor) workout because the air is coolest and clearest at that time. But no studies have shown that you get a better, more efficient workout if you exercise in the morning. The best time is really a matter of individual choice, and what works for your roommate may be entirely different from what works for you. Working out in the a.m., for instance, isn't better than working out at night if you find it tough to roll out of bed at that hour -- or if you feel so stiff in the morning that exercise seems like a horrible chore you'd be all too glad to skip. Similarly, if you find yourself much more energetic at dusk than at dawn, p.m. exercise may be best for you. You may find that an evening workout offers other benefits. Although conventional wisdom has it that late-night workouts can make it harder to fall asleep, there's actually no evidence to support that notion. In fact, exercising at night can help allay anxiety, allowing people who are normally kept awake by stress to get a better night's sleep. But hands down, the best time for you to exercise is when you'll be most likely to do it and do it regularly. So decide what's convenient for you and when you most enjoy a workout. Make it a top priority --whatever time of day you choose to do it.

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12y ago

It's better in the afternoon or around 5. Definitely about 3 hours before you go to sleep.

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Q: What is the best time of day to exercise?
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When is the best time in the day to exercise?

at noonish

When is the best time of day to work out?

The best time of day to work out is an individual preference. It is the part of day you can make time to exercise. Personally, I make it a priority to run shortly after I wake up (30-60 minutes). This works well for me because I have run very consistently in the morning for the past 35 yrs. Exercise must be a priority or you may never find time to work out.

The best time to exercise is when?

I, personaly, think that the best time to exercise is morning because the morning air is fresh and you are energetic at this time.

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running every day :)

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Any exercise is better than nothing, but it is recommended that you get about 30 minutes of exercise per day. More if you can.

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In the morning

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The morning. It is shown that you burn more fat running for 20 minutes in the morning than running for 30 minutes later on in the day

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No, but increase d time gradually day by day...

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The best fat burners to use are your legs! Exercise, exercise, exercise and eat right and healthy and you will see a great difference over time!

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The best time of the day to vacuum is in the morning.

What is the best workout to burn fat?

walking/running remember if your an adult you have to exercise at least an hour a day, if your a teen you have to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. \ But an hour is better for you.