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Roosters are able to mate anytime of the year, but it's the hens that have to be willing to accept them that counts. Hens begin to lay eggs when the photoperiod (that's how long the sun stays in the sky during a single 24 hour period) gets longer, i.e., spring time. Since the term between copulation and egg development is short, roosters are able to breed hens in the spring time to encourage fertilization of eggs, which give chicks.

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Q: What time of year do roosters mate with hens?
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Do boy hens lay eggs am trying to say do boy hens lay eggs all year?

Hens are mom chickens and roosters are dad chickens. Only mom chickens, hens, lay eggs. They lay eggs all year.

When is a chicken fullgrown?

A chicken can be considered fully grown at one year. Prior to that changes are still going on inside and out and the bird is still learning how to be a chicken. Hens under one year are called PULLETS and Roosters under one year are called Cockerels. When they reach that first year milestone they are then called hens and roosters.

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Why is rooster is acting like a hen?

Absolutely different if not kept in a cage. Roosters will usually look after a group of hens watching for predators. That's why they are quite aggressive and try to stand between you and the hens. They actually eat very little compared to hens. The rooster will try to mate with each hen once a day. On the contrary, hens pay little attention to their surroundings, concentrated in finding something to eat. Hens scratch the ground to recognize living organisms like earthworms using their eyesight. Hens usually move in group or in pairs. When satisfied, hens will "bathe" in dry earth to get rid of parasites. Of course, behavior changes when they tend their chicks. During incubation, hens become aggressive too!

Do you have to remove a rooster from the coop when the baby chicks hatch?

After the rooster has mated with a hen the sperm packet is good for about 10 days. Unlike most creatures the birds do not need fertilizing each time, for each egg. The sperm is stored in the cloaca of the hen for up to 10 days and then needs replenishing. If the rooster has died or otherwise left the flock his progeny may go on for a few more days as the hens eggs will still be fertile until the sperm packet is depleted.

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tigers mate at winter time

What time of the year do ocelots mate?

They actually mate all year round.

Can a rooster turn out to be a hen?

Yes Rooster can act like hens and hens can also act like the rooster. The rooster acting like the hen will usually do this when there is more than one rooster among the flock and it is being dominated by the "boss bird". If there is no other rooster present then this behavior will change over time and the "confused rooster" will soon be strutting his stuff around the hens.

What is the difference between roosters and chickens?

A chicken is the breed of bird. A hen is female chicken over a year old. A pullet is a young female chicken. A cockerel is a young male chicken, and a rooster is a male chicken over a year old. Generally speaking, if someone refers to a "chicken" it is female.

What time of the year do starfish mate?

Star fish do not mate .

Will it hurt for a rooster to eat layin pellets?

No The laying mash or pellets are fine for the rooster. There really is no way to stop the rooster from eating the same things you feed the hens other than keeping them separated. My hens are fed laying crumble all year long and the roosters thrive on it.

Can you have chickens in chesapeake va?

Yes. As of November of 2012, up to 6 hens are legal in areas zoned single family. Hens must be in a COMPLETELY enclosed structure, there is no back yard slaughtering allowed, and no roosters. City Council will look at the issue after a year to determine whether or not to make the law permanent.