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Q: What time should a ten year old go to bed if they have to wake up a eight am?
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What time should a 8 year old go to bed at?

8:30 to 9:00 so they can wake up easily wake up in the morning.

What time should an eight year old child sleep at?

They should sleep at 9:35pm.

How much sleep should eight year olds get?

Eight year olds should get about 8-10 hours of sleep every night. Times DO vary with the individual needs of the child, but after at least 8 hours, they will wake up feeling better-rested, energized, and ready for the day.

What time should an eight year old boy go to bed?


How long should an eight year old be grounded?

They should be grounded for only 1 hour and 34 minutes. More time then that causes an eight year old to start trying to get out or suffer from to much time sitting and crying!

What time should an 11 year old wake up if they go to bed at 11?

i belive they should be woke up at 7:15 so that way they have time to get ready for school but you also have to keep then on a schedule

How old should an eight year old boy be?

Eight years olds should be eight years old.

What time should a eight year old go to bed?

It depends,what time does he have 2 be up for school,8 to 10 hrs before that I believe

What moves eight miles in a year's time?

a snail

What time should 12 year olds get out of bed?

That is based on how much you need to sleep and how late you went to bed, but over the weekends id say 11 in the morn.

Should you wake up a 10 year old who fell asleep before their bedtime?

That depends. Is there a reason you need to wake him/her up? Is it bedtime? If so, then you could wake him/her up to go to the bed, but it isn't really necessary.

How fast can the average eight-year-old run?

10 minutes is a reasonable time for an eight year old says my 9 year niece