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Q: What tissue forms the delicate membranes of the body and fills spaces in muscles?
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What tissue forms delicate thin layers between muscles?

Areolar tissue which is a loose connective tissue.

Areolar tissue is?

A type of loose connective tissue, areolartissue forms delicate, thin membranes throughout the body. The cells of this tissue, mainly fibroblasts, are located some distance apart and are separate by a gel-likeextracellular matrix containing many collagenousand elastic fibers that fibroblasts secrete.Areolartissue also binds the skin to the underlying organs and fills spaces between muscles. It lies beneath most layers of epithelium, where its many blood vessels nourish epithelial cells.

Is a membrane a tissue?

There are four different membranes in the body that are related to tissue; cutaneous membranes, mucosal membranes, synovial membranes, and serous membranes.

What tissue type functions in the formation of membranes and glands?

dense fibrous connective tissue

What is a tissue membrane?

Since cell membrane encloses a cell and regulates in and out functions of a cell, similarly a tissue membrane regulates in and out functions of a tissue.

Membranes are formed by?

epithelial tissue

The protects the delicate tissue of the brain.?

There are three things that protect the delicate tissue of the brain. The three things are bones of the cranium, the cranial meninges, and cerebrospinal fluid.

What is the difference between cancellous and compact tissue?

Cancellous tissue has spaces inside it, like a honeycomb. Compact tissue is solid and dense with no visible spaces.

Delicate connective tissue that surrounds the sarcolemma?


What tissue forms the framework for the lamina propria of the mucous membranes?

Yes, the areolar connective tissue forms the framework for the lamina propria of the mucous membranes.

How is muscle tissue different then tissue?

its in your muscles

What membranes consist of epithelial tissue and loose connective tissue?

serous, mucous, synovial