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For starters.....When one is being Rude, one cannot possibly be classified as a friend! one is more like an aquaintance, and possibly an unfortunate one at that. The Rude individual needs to be confronted for the errant behavior, be discouraged in persisting the same way , and if need be disposed off as a friend or aquaintance if the condition persists. as for the questioner? chose and learn to differenciate a friend from a mere aquaintance, and you will be better of for it. The person above is being rude. We can be rude. Even friends can be rude. If they are a true friend then they will understand and appreciate your help, because that is what it is, help. Please point out their rudeness away from other people as no one likes to be corrected in front of others. Never discard others as if they were trash and not worthy of your attention. We are all brothers and sisters according to God and should help our brothers out.

Not all friends are always perfect ones. If they, for instance, keep picking fights with you, maybe you should confront them and say "Please dont treat me like that" Good Luck to everyone with friend troubles.

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14y ago
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14y ago

There are many things you can do (or not do) when others are rude. First, ask yourself if you believe their intentions are to be rude on purpose as sometimes people are unaware of themselves being rude or maybe it was by accident. Second, ask yourself if it is important to even react at all as no one is going to be an exact clone of yourself or even have the same value system as you. Third, find out if there was some behavior on your part that caused the other person to feel like they needed to behave rudely. Expect there to be all kinds of different people with different reactions and just move on. Whatever you do, do not allow the rude individual to turn you into what they are - much like a vampire. Take the high road and in turn keep your own frequency high. In this way you do not allow them to lower your frequency to theirs and you will be much happier and more at peace. If someone is rude on purpose, then understand that the person is an unhappy person acting out to make themselves feel better. For some people, tearing others down seems to make them feel better in the short term. However, this is only a temporary fix. These people are toxic and therefore you should stay away from them and seek the companionship of others who match more closely your expectations and worldview.

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13y ago

you smile. turn around. and walk away but if they are like my friend.. they usually walk away first because they cant handle being wrong

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10y ago

1, point out that there being rude

2, join in where possible

3, laugh if it was funny

4, walk away

5, pretend that you did not hear the rude remark

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Q: What to do if a friend is being rude?
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