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Q: What to do if you are not having your period after sex and you don't want to be pregnant now?
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I dont want to be pregnant but i have this odorless thick white vaginal discharge and i did a finger penetrating with by bf could i be pregnant?

i dont think your pregnant..this is normal...maybe you will have your period luck (:

Im having lower belly pains nuasea craveings and mood swings but i dont know if im late for my period am i pregnant?

there is a possible chance that you are so might want to go get checked

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Can you get pregnant when you aren't having a period haven't had one since March 2007 over a year ago but want to start trying?

If aren't having any periods you probably can't get pregnant. If you're having irregular periods you can get pregnant, but the chance is lower.

Could you be pregnant with a normal cycle?

I dont know a whole lot on the topic, but I do know someone who did have their regular period every month while pregnant, all the way until their 6th month Yes you can. I am. Didn;t know i was pregnant until I flet my baby move! Answer Hi there. Yes you can have a regular period while pregnant. When my mother was pregnant with my older brother, she didnt even know she was pregnant till about 3 months in because she was still having her period. I am having a similar situation. I am only 16 and I have been having some signs of pregnancy in the past few weeks but I am currently on my period. I have had all the pregnancy symptoms with the acception of my breasts being tender (they are already DD's and they really dont need to do much growing anyways). I took a hpt and it said - but I am still having symptoms. I am assuming that it was a false negative and I plan to take another. If you believe that you are pregnant, but are still having your period, you may want to take a pregnancy test, or see a doctor to confirm. *Celest*

Missed period next period is due but i still havent ejaculated on im not pregnant want my period to come as im having fertility treatment and can only start when i ejacualte how can i bring on period?

there is no way you can make your period come but if you are on any medication maybe you should consult your doctor on whether you should stop and if you dont have good fertility it might have something to do with it

Is it possible to be pregnant and have a period and no symptoms?

you may not be pregnant. your cycle could be changing but if you're having unprotected sex you may want to take a pregnancy test or go to the doctor. good luck.

When you have to use the pills?

when you dont want to get pregnant

Can you perform oral on a girl while she is on her period?

yes just dont do it kissing cant get you pregnant.

Can you get pregnant 5 days prior to Menstrual cycle and still have a period?

If you are having a period, then no you aren't pregnant. If you are "spotting" then you could be. If it makes you feel better go and get a cheap test. They are usually as sensitive as the expensive ones. Good luck! -K

Can you be on your period and get pregnant?

I want you to please answer the question''

What should i do if im pregnant and want to having menstruation?

If you are pregnant you won't have it and not sure why you would want to.