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Treat it as a very serious offence, report it to someone in your school's senior team, for example the head of year or head teacher.

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Q: What to do if your teacher is racist to you?
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What do you do if you're teacher is racist?

piss in their coffee when they arent looking

How do you make a racist teacher feel sorry about his or her racism?

Report them.

If a teacher only gets on to certain people is that racism?

I think you mean the teacher gets onto certain people in the sense of enforcing discipline on those students more than others; and I think you mean to ask whether that is RACIST. It might be racist, but from only this much information, there is no way to tell.

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You spelled racism wrong, idiot. If your a racist, go confess. If your an English teacher, you should be fired.

A teacher said to my bi-racial son move I can't see through muddy water To me this is racist Have you heard this before?

No this is not racist. I am white and my gramma used to say that to me all the time. Just a saying that's all

Is Brian Griffin racist?

A little but apparently, he gets it from his father. However, he has dated Shauna, Chris' black teacher & has been friends with Cleveland for years.

Why does your teacher say black people like orange sodas and bananas?

There is not a reason for that. It's just that they are being racist trudge-monkeys and very rude people!

What did m.y Saturday school teacher say about pirates?

he said "imagine a black guy with horns with a AK-47 hunting you down".he was being racist on purpose.XD.

How do you get my teacher fired for racist comments?

Well, I would tell the principal or the superintendent or the counselor or if that doesn't work, go get together with all of the students and right statements about her and then they will fire her :)

Can a six year old boy be racist?

If he makes statements that sound racist - someone around him is making the statements and he is copying what he hears. He would not understand it yet. If it is not someone you spend time with, ask his teacher. There may be students he sees at recess that are doing the same thing. What they hear they repeat.

What is a white racist?

It depends on how one uses the term "white racist". To some, white racist is someone who is white and they are also racist. To others, however, a white racist is someone who is racist exclusively towards white people.

Is Gandhi racist?

No, Gandhi was not racist.