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I'm going through the same thing. He tells me he loves me even though we're not dating, then I screw up by having my friend 3-way him with me. Then she knows his number, and she calls him all the time. I flip on my what I thought friend, and he tells me he will never talk to me again until I make up with her. Then he says to me, "What's more important? Our friendship, us talking, or us not talking?" So that's what got me to make up with her, but I honeslty can't stand her and I'm so close to kicking the crap out of her. In my opinion, try to talk to him and say, "If you honestly care about me enough, you'll stop talking to her."

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Q: What to do when a guy you like tells you he likes you but he's always talking to your best friend all day everyday and they claim they're just close friends but you think they like each other?
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get out and make's that simple. Like my mom always told me "you have to be a friend to have a friend". good luck!!

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if it really is your friend you should not feel the need to. thats what friends are for, just chillin and talking whenever you feel like talking.