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If you have a serious flareup, you should see your GI specialist as soon as possible. Symptoms such as fever, severe pain, and diarrhea can be a sign of a serious complication such as an infection or obstruction, which need immediate medical attention. Depending on your diagnosis, your GI specialist may prescribe you anti-inflammatories, immuno-suppressants, antibiotics, or steroids.

Minor flareups can sometimes be managed with plenty of rest and liquids, simplifying and improving your diet, and taking pain killers. Avoiding alcohol and cigarettes will also help. There are also plenty of natural approaches such as chiropractic adjustments and acupuncture that can assist in regaining comfort and remission.

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Q: What to do when you have a bad flare up with crohn's disease?
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Can people with crohns disease use chia seeds?

During a flare up, consuming seeds of any kind is a bad idea. Active Crohns disease causes the bowel to thicken and narrow and seeds that try to pass through the narrowed bowel can get stuck causing an obstruction.

Does crohns disease disqualify you from being a fighter pilot?

This very much depends on your military doctor if you are already in the armed forces. Crohns disease can be in remission for years, but can flare at anytime. Depending on the severity of the flare up and when it happens it would not be a good idea to be in the cockpit of an aircraft at the time. You certainly would be grounded during such a flare as the medications used to control a Crohns attack can affect your performance both physically and mentally.

Is Crohns Disease ever inactive?

i have had crohns disease for 16 years and it never goes away. it can remain fairly inactive for a while, but anything could trigger a flare up. best thing to do is to take meds and strict diet.

Is popcorn bad for Crohns' disease?

I'm not sure if it is actually good or bad for Crohn's, I think it depends on the person the stage of disease they are in. However, I can tell you that I can't eat alot of popcorn if any at all with my Crohn's. It gives me a terrible flare up. Hope this helps a little !

If medication for ulcertive colitis or Crohns disease is not taken can the disease get worse?

Absolutely yes it can. Left untreated Crohns can be life threatening. Even when diagnosed and under a physicians care, a severe flare up can become uncontrollable and require hospitalization.

Can crohns be confused with appendicitis?

Yes. Many Crohns sufferers prior to being diagnosed with the disease will have had a diagnosis of appendicitis and many patients will have that organ removed. Severe appendicitis has similar symptoms to a Crohns flare up.

What percentage disability is Crohns?

It depends on the country you live in, your job and the severity of your disease. Your doctor (s) will assess the disease and make the decision as to how much work you are able to do , if any, during a flare up.

Did Dennis Kucinich suffer from Crohn's disease and cure it by eating vegan?

No, sorry. No one is cured no matter what you read. Crohns has no cure. Crohns patients have remissions and these can last for years but once you are diagnosed with Crohns disease you have it forever. A simple blood test can be done on even a patient in full remission and will always show up positive for Crohns. If it were that simple all of us who suffer from Crohns would gladly eat Vegan, it would be a great alternative to not eating at all during a flare up.

Could anxiety medication help crohns disease?

Some anti anxiety medications have been used effectively in combination with anti-inflammatory medicines over the years. While not suspected of being the cause of Crohns disease anymore, it is well known that anxiety and stress can exacerbate a flare up of your disease making treatment more difficult.

Can crohn's disease cause low back pain?

Yes, lower back pain is quite typical during a flare up of Crohns disease. Pain radiating from front to back just over the hips is common.

Would you be discharged from the british army if diagnosed with crohns disease?

Because of the nature of Crohns disease it may stay in remission long enough to serve out your hitch but don't count on it. Crohns can flare up anytime and stress is a big factor. Army doctors will have access to the latest meds used to control the symptoms but it is not curable. You will want to know where every latrine is during a flare up and it will disrupt your daily routines at the most inappropriate times. Check out the link for a US Army Staff Sargent with Crohns.

How does crohns disease effect growth?

Children who suffer Crohns disease often have delayed growth. The Childs body puts a lot of effort into repair at a time when it should be dealing with normal growth and development. Medications used to control Crohns can also delay normal growth rates. Nutrition is compromised with each flare up and constant diarrhea inhibits absorption of much needed nutrients.