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For pillows that have been exposed to head lice, you can do a few things. You can toss them to make sure the bugs are gone. Another option is to bag up the pillows for several weeks. This will basically starve the lice. You can wash the pillows in your washing machine and then put them in the dryer. The washing will not kill the bugs, but the heat in the dryer will.

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Q: What to do with pillows after head lice?
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How far can lice jump?

It is a common misconception that lice jump. However, lice do not jump, they travel from head to head by sharing hats, pillows, brushes and other hair items.

Can you get lice for sleeping in a house with kids that have lice?

Depends whether you use same pillows/pillowcases, or come into contact with their head or anything that touched their head...

If you cant see head lice on your pillow do you have to wash it?

If you have had head lice 2 weeks before sleeping on your pillow you might want to wash it. Head lice can lay their eggs on everything including pillows, so take precaution. ----

Can you get lice?

Yes, anyone can get lice. They fall out of hair and can get into pillows and stuff.

How do you get head lice out of bed linen?

Head lice needs to be starved. You can bag it tightly and leave it for two weeks, and then wash it in HOT water. Everything pillows, teddy bears, blankets........ can be bagged and left. Do not open it. Let the lice die, and then begin the cleaning process. Good luck!

Can lice live in your leg hair?

Yes. Lice can live on pillows, blankets, Teddy bears lol, cloths, etc. To get rid of these lice problems, get to the source (your head) and after that is accomplish; wash your belongings (if some can) put in washer to hot water and extra hot air for drying time. Lice is very spread rapidly so if you have lice in your home and head, hurry and get them out! They can even be in sofa (like the eggs).

How do catch hair lice?

You get head lice by putting your head by someone who already has head lice

Why do you have to wash bed linen after head lice?

Off of a human's head lice cannot not live past 24-48 hours. Therefore, when they have fallen off onto your pillows, blankets, sheets, stuffed animals, etc. they may still be there (alive) after you have treated your hair. So to prevent getting head lice back into your hair, it is best to wash your bedding and dry them thoroughly. Lice and nits will die in temperatures higher than 138 degrees.

Can you get head lice from chips?

No. You cant get head lice from chips.

Can a hamster get head lice?

No only humans get Head Lice

Can hamsters get head lice from a human?

If Hamsters somehow happen to get Head Lice the Lice will not live

Can head lice hop?

Yes Head Lice Dose Hop