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Punnett Square...... I'm in 7th grade and know that.

Punnet Squre is where you find breeding

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12y ago

It's called a Punnett Square. The genes of the mother and the father are aligned to find the probability of possible genetic combinations for offspring.

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13y ago

A punnett square

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Q: What tool is used in order to determine the probabilities of phenotypes and genotypes resulting from specific genetic crosses?
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A Punnett square is used to determine an idealized outcome. For example, all possible combinations of genotypes of the gametes are represented, as if they had been actually been produced. The proportions of the various resulting genotypes are also idealized. In actual crosses, the numbers will vary from the idealized numbers due to chance.

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Substitute the number in the equation. If the resulting statement is true the number is a solution to the equation.

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