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Well if you put the thread in the right tensions that the pattern calls for, then your sewing machine will decide. Oh wait I see what you mean, there isn't really a machine to do that but what you could do is this, you could cut a certain amount of thread, measure it, and see how far it goes until it runs out. Then you measure how long the line you made and POW! you have a ratio. Then you would cross multiply with the line you want to make. Remember though, you have to do a different test for a different stitch, some stitches take more thread like the zigzag. I would make chart for all the different lengths you need for each stitch. Also remember, the thickness of the thread is also a variable.

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Q: What tool provides the needle with the right amount of thed on a sewing machine?
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well it depends on what sort of sewing machine it is it should say on the packaging of the sewing machine.

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Why does your machine skip when sewing velcro?

It may be that you have a ball point needle in your machine rather than a sharp. Also, your machine needle may be too small for such heavy sewing. Try a size 16 sharp.