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The city that is at this location is Bogota,Columbia in South America

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haha. Bowling Green.

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Q: What town is 37 degrees north latitude and is 86 or 87 degrees west longitude and sounds like a sport played with a ball?
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Where is 62 degrees north latitude and 138 degrees west longitude?

Sounds like Fairbanks, AK

Where do they believe the Malaysian flight 370 went down?

Current information suggests Flight 370 may have gone down around 25 degrees south latitude and 101 degrees east longitude. Acoustic sounds were heard on Sunday, April 6th.

What is a trick to help you remember in which direction latitude and longitude?

Latitude lays flat and spiders have long legs

Which of these tells you the distance north or south of the Equator?

Latitude tells how far north or south a place is from the Equator. Longitude tells how far east or west a place is from the Prime Meridian. These can be remembered because Latitude sounds like Ladder and the lines for Latitude are like rungs in a ladder. Also, Longitude has the word Long in it and east to west is "Long."

Is longitude horizontal or vertical?

The lines of longitude are vertical; longitude measures the horizontal distance from 0 degrees longitude. Here is a mnemonic that helps me: Latitude sounds a little like 'ladder-tude', and the rungs of a ladder are horizontal. I picture myself 'stepping up or down' the lines of ladder-tude, and this moves me farther north or farther south. That leaves vertical for longitude. While the lines of longitude are drawn from north to south, their locations measure a parameter that changes from east to west; longitude tells you how far east or west you are (in degrees, not distance) from the prime meridian (zero degrees longitude). Lines of latitude are drawn from east to west, and they measure how far north or south you are. So running the risk of confusing you, the "concept" of longitude (what is your position east/west of the prime meridian) is really horizontal in nature. This can be a little hard to grasp. Draw a line on a piece of paper; make the line exactly one inch from the left margin. You have drawn the line 'up and down', but the line is there to tell you how to get one inch from the margin (left-right) no matter where you are on the paper. And no matter where you are on the line, you are one inch to the right of the left margin. So if you travel up and down a line of longitude, you might cover several thousand miles, but you haven't budged from your measure of longitude-- how far you are (in degrees) from the prime meridian. As you travel along your line of longitude, you see hash-marks with changing numbers of degrees. These are not changes in longitude, but in latitude. They answer: How far north or south am I, along this line of longitude? When doing navigation, the simple thing is that lines of longitude are all long. Since they all go through both the North and South Pole, they are all the same length. Latitude lines vary in length. Latitude: LAT=FLAT Longitude: LONG (heights)

Where am I if I am between 15-30 degrees north latitude and 150-170 degrees west longitude?

Hawaii. The islands are pretty spread out that's why it sounds so big

What is 5 degrees North and 4 degrees west?

That sounds to us like a set of geographic coordinates, i.e. the latitude and longitude of a place on the earth's surface. The point is in the sea in the Gulf of Guinea off the coast of Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) in West Africa, about 21.3 miles south of the center of the coastal city of Abidjan.

What types of lines run east and west and measure degree north and south?

Latitude lines. What helps me remember this is the word "latter", which sounds like "latitude". Ladders go up and down, and the lines MEASURE up and down (north and south). Longitude measures left and right (east and west), and can be remembered from the word "long".

If your flying directly south from the north pole and reached 70 degrees north latitude would be left to pass over before you reached the south pole?

You will have traveled 20 degrees to reach +70 degrees latitude, and so you would have to travel another 160 degrees to reach the south pole.

Witch way is longitude?

Longitude is the horizon. Latitude is the veritcle. I remember by Longitude has the word long in it and Verticle has ver and if you combine them it sounds like longer and that's how i remember both because even if i know one, that is okay because all you need to know really is one... Great websites are:, and I hope my answers came help to you !

How can people remember latitude?

The lines of latitude are the ones that go from east to west, like the equator. Here is how I remember it. "Lati" from latitude sounds a little like "ladda". Some people even say it more like "laddatude". What can you do an a ladda [ladder]? You step up one step at a time. The rungs of a ladder are like the lines of laddertude. The lines that are all LONG are the ones that go through the poles and are Longitude.

Horizontal lines on a map of the earth is called?

Latitude. It may be helpful to think of a ladder when trying to remember this, as Ladder sounds similar to latitude, and ladders have many horizontal bars.