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They fast and attend synagogue.

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Q: What traditions and cos- tums do Jewish people follow during Yom Kippur?
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What traditions should do Jews follow on Yom Kippur?

Yom Kippur is a total fast, observant Jews do not eat or drink anything for about 25 hours, from sunset on the eve of Yom Kippur to nightfall the next night. The tradition also bans wearing of leather, wearing perfume, and bathing during that period. (If someone's health is endangered, however, the fast must be broken.) The Yom Kippur liturgy is long, with special melodies that are used only once a year, penitential and confessional prayers, and the reading of the Book of Jonah. The service marking the end of Yom Kippur ends with a long blast of the Shofar, at which point, a congregation of hungry thirsty people descends on food.

What task is yom kippur dedicated to?

Atonement - puting right the sins committed during the previous year. Yom Kippur comes at the end of the Days of Awe that follow the Jewish new year at Rosh Hashanah, during which time Jews must pay debts, apologise for wrongs and do all they can to put right anything bad they have done. Yom Kippur itself is then dedicated to fasting and solemn prayers in which G-d is asked to take into account the steps we have taken to right our wrongs and heartfelt vows to be a better Jewish human being in the year to come. Only when a Jew knows deep in his or her heart that he or she has truly done all they can and really means their promises to live a better life can they feel that G-d has forgiven them.

How can a Gentile Christian follow some Jewish traditions?

I just follow Sabbath and Hannukah and like Kosher.... Just because Jesus did it and he's my role model.... So what religion am I? Someone told me Seven-Day Adventist

Whom did the Jewish people follow?

Jewish people follow God, not Jesus.

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Japanese people follow god

Do kids follow the Jewish food laws?

Yes, religiously observant Jewish kids follow the laws of kashrut.

What do you call a person who doesn't follow traditions?

A person who doesn't follow traditions can be called nontraditional, unconventional, or a nonconformist.

What is the name for Jewish people You know like Catholicism?

Jewish/Jew Catholicism is the religion not the term for people who follow it. Catholics follow Catholicism. Like Christians follow Christianity. Jews follow Judaism.

Do most people in Kenya follow old traditions?

by nechemya no