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ick clear or algae clear

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Q: What treatment should you buy for your guppies finrot?
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What do you do when your goldfish has red lines in its tail?

it has finrot. change the water or buy medicine.

Where to sell guppies at Bangalore?

What kind of guppies are they? I will buy them, call me on 9739894310

Can guppies live with Oscar fish?

not a chance. you could buy guppies as feeder fish for them though.

What should you do if your fancy guppie is biting at your other guppies tail?

sounds like you have a male guppy harrassing a female. Simply go and buy a few more female guppies and that way the male will have more than one female to harass.

Can Guppies live in a 1.5 gallon?

You can keep endlers guppies in a 1.5 gallon, about 2, if you maintain it (take some water out, take uneaten food out, ect.). you should keep the tank planted well because they enjoy it. You can buy endlers at petsmart. :)

Can you buy white cloud minnows or guppies in the UK?

Yes, almost all shops sell guppies and nearly all of them sell white cloud minnows.

Can you have 2 male guppies in the same tank as 3 female guppies should i buy 3 more females guppies?

Yes that is enough. You usually want to keep a two to three female to one male ratio. The male will constantly try to breed with the females. If there was only one the female you get stressed out and die. So make sure to keep two to three females

Goldfish There are white wiggly things sticking out of your goldfish his tail has also gone blood red what is this and how can you treat it?

anchor worm. the worm can be removed with tweezers and then the bloody spot dipped once with iodine or hydrogen peroxide on a cotton swab. and then daily application of neosporin cream until the redness has gone. if the whole tank is infected, buy anchors away from any good aquarium. the fins probably have finrot., you can get rid of it by changing the water & if that doesnt work, buy finrot medicine.:)

Andrea brought a total of 21 fish for her aquariumShe bought 9 fewer angelfish than guppiesHow many angelfish and guppies did she buy?

6 angelfish and 15 guppies

Where can I buy online treatment for my asthma symptoms?

Yes. There are treatments you can buy, but I suggest you visit your doctor and pharmacist to have the treatment which is best for you.

How small of space can you breed guppies in?

1 gallon per fish for guppies in a regular tank, so just buy a breeding box at Petsmart or something and put the pregnant fish in when you think she's about to give birth and take her out immediatly when she's given birth. Note: guppies give live birth and do not lay eggs.

How much total money would it cost to buy maintain a tank of three guppies?

About5 bucks to buy the fish and it depends do you have a tank that can hold about5-7 gallons