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Q: What tribe of Israel is Zachariah part of?
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Which tribe of Israel didn't got the part of the promise land?

The Levites.

Which tribe of israel was abinadab?

He was of the tribe of Judah.

What happened to the tribe of Ephraim?

According to the Hebrew Bible, the Tribe of Ephraim was one of the Tribes of Israel. The Tribe of Manasseh together with Ephraim also formed the House of Joseph. As part of the Kingdom of Israel, the territory of Ephraim was conquered by the Assyrians, and the tribe exiled; the manner of their exile led to their further history being lost.

What is the true Origin of the Igbos not all the garbage Published?

The Igbos are African Jews. They are part from the missing tribe of Israel; from the tribe of Gad-one of the twelve tribes of Israel.... Igbo Kwenu! If you are an Igbo, make sure you maintain Omenana

What tribe of Israel is Tzipi Livni descended from?

The only tribe of Israel that retains some form of identity is the Tribe of Levi, of which the Cohens are a part. This is the tribe from which the Priests and their assistants came, and members of that group still have ceremonial functions in Jewish religious services. Therefore, for most modern Jews, if they cannot say they are Cohanim or Levites, they are unable to say what tribe they descend from.

What tribe of Israel did David belong to?

David was from the tribe of Judah.

Which tribe of Israel received cities?

No tribe of Israel "received" cities. The Tribe of Levi was required to live in the cities of the various other tribally-allocated territories in order to perform the requisite religious rituals. They were forbidden from owning any land, requiring them to sustain themselves on the part of the sacrifices that it was permissible to consume.

Who of the twelve tribes of Israel was largest?

The tribe of Judah was the largest of the twelve tribes of Israel. This tribe was known for its leadership and prominence in the kingdom of Israel.

What color is the tribe of Asher in Israel and what area of Israel did they live?

The tribe of Asher used to live on the west upper Galile. Asher tribe did not had a color, but they had a symbol-Olive Tree

Was Philadelphia a tribe of Israel?

No, this was the name of an area.

Which tribe of israel did Saul belong to?


What is the tribe of Israel?

There is not one "tribe of Israel" but rather twelve Israelite Tribes, designated by the names of Jacob's sons from whom each claim to descend.