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Pacific & Atlantic Ocean

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Q: What two bodies of water shorten travel time for the panama canal?
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A man made waterway connecting two bodies of water and is designed to shorten travel time?

Panama Canal. Connects the Pacific to the Carribean Sea.

What was built by the US to shorten travel through Latin America?

Panama Canal

Major bodies of water in panama?

The Panama Canal and the Isthmus of Panama.

In what way did humans modify the physical environment to shorten the time it takes to travel by ship to Tokyo to New York?

Built the Panama Canal.

In what way did humans modify the physical environment to shorten the time it takes to travel by ship from Tokyo to New York?

built the panama canal.

The Panama canal located in the Central American country of Panama what two bodies of water does it connect and without a canal where would a ship from New York have to travel to reach Portland Oregon?

The Panama canal connect the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. If there was no canal a ship would have to travel all the way around the southern tip of South America.

What two bodies of what are connected by the panama canal?

The Panama Canal connects the Pacific Ocean to the Caribbean Sea

What canal permits passage between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean?

The Panama Canal connects the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. It was created to shorten trips of ships.

What bodies of water are connected by the panama canal?

The Panama Canal connects the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean sea.

The panama canal near what two bodies of water?

The Panama Canal is near the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.

What two bodies of water does the panama the canal connect?

The Panama Canal connects the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean.

Does the Panama Canal run East or Northeast through Central America or Mexico?

The Panama canal, as its name suggests is in Panama. The direction of travel on the canal is NW to SE.