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The convergent boundary between the Eurasian Plate and the Indian Plate covers the continents of Asia and Europe. This boundary is characterized by the collision of these two tectonic plates, leading to the formation of mountain ranges such as the Himalayas.

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Q: What two continents are covered by the converge NT boundary?
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What can form where two plates converge?

when two plates converge it is called plate tectonics?

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The Pacific Plate covers most of the Pacific Ocean, including parts of the western coasts of North and South America, as well as the eastern coasts of Asia and Australia.

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Where is the place where older crust is destroyed because two plates converge?

A destructive plate boundary (usually a subduction zone).

When two plates converge it is called?

It is called the concept of Biologically it is Plate tectonic. Scientifically it is Converge Belt By Terny Winblock Woods

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Divergent - where two plates are moving away from one another. (Mid-ocean Ridge)Convergent - where two plates are moving towards one another. (Ocean Trench) found at both O/O converge and O/C converge.

What is a River separating two continents?

Ural River. It is the traditional boundary that separates Europe and Asia.

What type of boundary occurs between the max a plate and the South American plate?

Convergent on the western perimeter, divergent on the Easter perimeter.

What type of boundary where one plate slides under another?

It is a convergent boundary, where two plates move towards/collide/converge into each other. The lighter plate will then float above the denser plate. The part of the denser plate which sank will subduct then melt and become a magma chamber.This boundary is also known as a destructive boundary.

What is the plate tectonic boundary type when the plate moves toward each other?

It is called a convergent boundary and can often result in a chain of mountains. When two plates converge, it is common for the denser plate to sink underneath the other. This process is called subduction.

How do the mountains that form along an oceanic-oceanic convergent boundary differ from those associated with an oceanic continental convergent boundary?

the oceanic plates are denser than continental plates, therefore, when oceanic plates and continental plates converge, the oceanic will go under the continental plates. But when two oceanic converge either both will rise to form moutains, or both will sink and cause a trench.

How do the mountains that form along an oceanic oceanic convergent boundary differ from those associated with an oceanic continental convergent boundary?

the oceanic plates are denser than continental plates, therefore, when oceanic plates and continental plates converge, the oceanic will go under the continental plates. But when two oceanic converge either both will rise to form moutains, or both will sink and cause a trench.