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Q: What two countries tested nuclear weapons in 1998?
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Which country tested nuclear weapons first India or Pakistan?

On May 28, 1998,First Pakistan became a nuclear power.

What happened on 28 May in Pakistan?

On May 28th 1998 Pakistan tested 5 nuclear weapons at a time. On this day Pakistan became 6th nuclear power of the world.

In 1998 what nation tested nuclear weapons for the first time?

Pakistan, though apparently they gained the ability to make nuclear explosions in 1987.

Does Afghanistan or pakistan have nuclear weapons?

NO for Afghanistan; YES for Pakistan. Afghanistan does not have nuclear weapons, nor did it have nuclear weapons at any time, nor has it been accused by other countries of having nuclear weapons. Afghanistan is also a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, for what that's worth.Pakistan confirmed its first nuclear weapons tests in 1998.

What countries tested nukes in 1998?

India and Pakistan.

Does India have Nuclear Weapons?

India is not a Party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. India tested what it called a "peaceful nuclear explosive" in 1974 (which became known as "Smiling Buddha"). The test was the first test developed after the creation of the NPT, and created new questions about how civilian nuclear technology could be diverted secretly to weapons purposes (dual-use technology). Though India maintained that its nuclear capability was primarily "peaceful", it apparently weaponized two dozen nuclear weapons for delivery by air between 1988 and 1990. But it was not until 1998 that India tested weaponized nuclear warheads ("Operation Shakti"), including a thermonuclear device. And it is estimated that India has 80-100 nuclear warheads (might not be active).

Are the UK's nuclear missiles based in submarines?

Since its free-fall nuclear weapons arsenal was decomissioned in 1998, the United Kingdom's only means of nuclear weapons delivery is via submarines and SLBMs.

Which one among India and Pakistan have most devastating Nuclear Weapons?

India and Pakistan are among the Non-NPT Nuclear Weapons Possessors: India and Pakistan never joined the NPT and are known to possess nuclear weapons. Claiming its nuclear program was for peaceful purposes, India first tested a nuclear explosive device in 1974. That test spurred Pakistan to ramp up work on its secret nuclear weapons program. India and Pakistan both publicly demonstrated their nuclear weapon capabilities with a round of tit-for-tat nuclear tests in May 1998. The following arsenal estimates are based on the amount of fissile material-highly enriched uranium and plutonium - that each of the states is estimated to have produced. Fissile material is the key element for making nuclear weapons. India is believed to use plutonium in their weapons, while Pakistan is thought to use highly enriched uranium. India: Up to 100 nuclear warheads. Pakistan: Between 70 to 90 nuclear warheads. Hence, comparatively India's Nuclear Weapons are more devastating than Pakistan. Lets hope none of the countries ever use them to destruct mankind!

What the total cost of the US Nuclear Weapons Program through 1998?

In 1998 alone, the US spent an estimate $35.1 billion on the Nuclear Weapons program. Before that, spending on the program exceeded $40 billion, and the spending on the program is expected to rise.

Why India did not sign non-proliferation treaty?

Three states-India, Israel, and Pakistan-have declined to sign the treaty. India and Pakistan are confirmed nuclear powers, and Israel has a long-standing policy of deliberate ambiguity (see List of countries with nuclear weapons). These countries argue that the NPT creates a club of "nuclear haves" and a larger group of "nuclear have-nots" by restricting the legal possession of nuclear weapons to those states that tested them before 1967, but the treaty never explains on what ethical grounds such a distinction is valid. India and Pakistan have publicly announced possession of nuclear weapons and have detonated nuclear devices in tests, India having first done so in 1974 and Pakistan following suit in 1998 in response to another Indian test. India is estimated to have enough fissile material for more than 150 warheads. Pakistan reportedly has between 80 and 120 warheads according to the former head of its strategic arms division.[15]India is one of the few countries to have a no first use policy, a pledge not to use nuclear weapons unless first attacked by an adversary using nuclear weapons. The main reason India cites for not signing the NPT and for possessing nuclear weapons is that China is one of the "nuclear haves."[citation needed] China and India have a longstanding border dispute, including a border war in 1962.

Who has stornger nuclear weapon India or Pakistan?

India and Pakistan are among the Non-NPT Nuclear Weapons Possessors: India and Pakistan never joined the NPT and are known to possess nuclear weapons. Claiming its nuclear program was for peaceful purposes, India first tested a nuclear explosive device in 1974. That test spurred Pakistan to ramp up work on its secret nuclear weapons program. India and Pakistan both publicly demonstrated their nuclear weapon capabilities with a round of tit-for-tat nuclear tests in May 1998. The following arsenal estimates are based on the amount of fissile material-highly enriched uranium and plutonium - that each of the states is estimated to have produced. Fissile material is the key element for making nuclear weapons. India is believed to use plutonium in their weapons, while Pakistan is thought to use highly enriched uranium. India: Up to 100 nuclear warheads. Pakistan: Between 70 to 90 nuclear warheads. Hence, comparatively India is stronger than Pakistan based on possession of Nuclear Weapons. Lets pray none of the countries ever use them to destruct mankind!

What did pakistan resume in 1998?

In 1998, Pakistan resumed testing of nuclear weapons. This made India begin to resume testing of their own weaponry.