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The US and North Vietnam.

US jets bombed the north; the north shot them down. (Back and forth; back and forth).

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Q: What two countries were majorly invoved in the Vietnam war?
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What did the Geneva accords provide for?

It forced French troops to leave Vietnam and divided Vietnam into two countries. (A)

What two countries bordee Vietnam on the west?

The countries that controlled Vietnam were Japan and France.

Which two original countries won the Vietnam war?

North Vietnam won them.

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Vietnam and Laos. Vietnam and Laos. Vietnam and Laos. Vietnam and Laos.

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The two countries are Cambodia and Laos.

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The countries to west of Vietnam are Laos and to the southwest Cambodia. China borders at the north.

Was Vietnam a civil war or a war between two countries?

Two separate countries: South Vietnam was officially called RVN (Republic of South Vietnam). When US servicemen landed in country, they were greeted with "Welcome to the Republic of South Vietnam" (enjoy your stay).

The Geneva accords provided for?

the division of Vietnam into two countries

What two countries were unified in 1956?

North and South Vietnam

What did the Geneva Accords decide?

It forced French troops to leave Vietnam and divided Vietnam into two countries. (A)

Why did the US get invoved in the conflict in Vietnam?

After World War 2, the French went back to Vietnam (formerly their territory) in an attempt to reclaim it, but the Soviets had already taken North Vietnam. The Soviets helped establish Northern Vietnam, and left it to run itself. The French claimed South Vietnam, leading to a struggle between the two countries. The French battled North Vietnam on multiple occasions, but ultimately gave up. The U.S entered Vietnam in order to prevent North Vietnam from invading South Vietnam, but North Vietnam had the majority of support. While the North Vietnamese Army invaded from the North, Vietnamese insurgents (Viet Cong) used guerilla tactics in South Vietnam to disrupt U.S/NATO operations.

Which two countries form Vietnam's border?

Cambodia, Laos, and China.