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nutrient and oxygen

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Q: What two gases are carried with the blood as it goes to the different parts of the body?
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Gas is carried mostly by the plasma?

Gas is carried mostly by the plasma in the blood. The plasma contains dissolved gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, which are transported to different parts of the body. Oxygen is transported from the lungs to the tissues, while carbon dioxide is carried from the tissues back to the lungs for elimination.

How is the blood carried to all parts of the body?

The blood in our heart is carried to all parts of our body. The heart pumps the blood, and the blood is carried by veins. The veins are all over our body. They have a system; out to our body, and back to the heart.

What does oxygen in the blood stream carried to?

all parts of the body

What does the blood do in the cardiovascular system?

The blood in the cardiovascular system carries gases, hormones, nutrients, and wastes. Oxygen, nutrients, and certain hormones are carried to the cells; and carbon dioxide, wastes, and certain hormones are carried away from the cells. Hormones are not nutrients or wastes. They are chemical messengers that are secreted by certain cells and carried to other parts of the body where they will have an effect, which depends on the hormone.

What is one substance carried from the body's cells by the blood?

Oxygen is carried by the red blood cells. The hemoglobin in the blood mixes with oxygen, and this is transported to other parts of the body.

What substances are carried by the blood to nourish cells?

Oxygen is carried by the red blood cells. The hemoglobin in the blood mixes with oxygen, and this is transported to other parts of the body.

What blood vessels carry blood that has oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body?

Oxygen rich blood is carried in arteries.

What are blood vessels called that send oxygenated blood to different parts of the body?

Arteries are blood vessels that send oxygenated blood to different parts of the body.

How do circulatory and muscular systems work together?

The circulatory system regulates the blood so it can travel to different parts of the body. The muscular system functions when blood is successfully carried into the veins in order to perform an action.

What substances does the blood transport towards a muscle cell and in what parts of the blood is each of these carried?


Is the main function of white blood cells to fight infections?

Blood has a fluid matrix called plasma in which red blood corpuscles [RBCs]and white blood corpuscles[WBCs] and blood platelets are suspended. the main function is that blood transports gases ,digested foods,hormones to different parts of the body.

What tissue is made up of cells and cells parts that are carried in a liquid?

blood is the liquid tissue that is made up of cells and cell parts. firstly, blood is a tissue because it contains aggregates if cells and cell products that are similar in form and function. second, its a liquid third, the cells it contains are red blood cells, white blood cells. the cell parts are the thrombocytes or platelets. apart from this, blood contains plasma, which is made up of plasma proteins, electrolytes, nutrients, waste product, gases etc