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Plant Kingdom

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Q: What two kingdoms contain monocots and dicots?
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Related questions

Why peanuts are dicots?

no peanuts are not monocots. since they contain two cotyledons, they are dicots

What are the four main differences between monocots and dicots?

1. Monocots have one cotyledon in the embryo and dicots have two 2. Vascular bundles in monocots are closed in dicots these are open 3. Leaves have parallel venation in monocots & reticulate in dicots 4. Floral parts are in multiple of three in monocots, and five or their multiple in dicots.

What are two major groups of angiosperms?

Monocots & Dicots

What are the the two major groups of angiosperms?

Monocots & Dicots

Are Brazil nuts monocots or dicots?

They are a dicots. The two cotlydons in their seeds are not obvious, but bight into a few and you may notice them.

What Chaaracteristics coyuld You use to help you decide if a plant is a manocot or a dicot?

Dicots are woody, monocots are not. Dicots have two cotyledons, monocots have one. The flower petals group differently. Dicots have a three hole depression on their seeds, monocots have one. There are a few more differences that you can look up.

Is angiosperm divided into two groups?

monocots (monocotyledon) and dicots(dicotyledon)

A plant with vascular bundles forming a ring around the outer part of the stem is?

There are two types of plants, monocots and dicots. Monocots have vascular bundles that are randomly distributed and dicots have their vascular bundles in an organized ring.

Sunflower is a dicotyledon and maize is a monocotyledon What does this mean?

Dicots and monocots differ based on how many seed-leaves they have. Monocots only sprout one leaf as a seed, whereas dicots sprout two, or possibly more.

Is peach a nightshade fruit?

No. Flowering plants are divided into two great groups, dicots and monocots. Bananas are monocots, like grass, and have a single embryonic leaf from the seed. Nightshades are dicots, and have two embryonic leaves. They are very different.


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