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Britain and France

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Q: What two nations colonized Canada?
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Why is Canada a billingual society?

Because two European nations "colonized" Canada - the English and the French.

What nations colonized the territory that is now the US and Canada?

Great Britain, Netherlands, France, Spain, Russia.

What countries colonized Canada?

Canada was colonized by France and England.

England took over land colonized by which two nations?

France and the Netherlands

What continent of the world was responsible for creating colonies for themselves in underdeveloped nations?

The majority of nations that were colonized were done so by European Nations. The UK and France stand out as the two countries that had colonized a huge portion of the developing world.

which countries colonized canada?

There were more than two but the two largest were England and France.

What are the two countries that colonized Canada and what language?

the french and british if that was not what you meant contact me asap

What are the two nations of Canada?

French and English.

Which two nations border the us?


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Is the process by which formerly colonized nations gain independence?


What motivated colonizing nations to impose their culture upon the colonized such as the British did in India?

The conviction that their culture was superior to that of colonized peoples.