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  • Article 1 - The area to be used for peaceful purposes only; military activity, such as weapons testing, is prohibited but military personnel and equipment may be used for scientific research or any other peaceful purpose;
  • Article 2 - Freedom of scientific investigations and cooperation shall continue;
  • Article 3 - Free exchange of information and personnel in cooperation with the United Nations and other international agencies;
  • Article 4 - The treaty does not recognize, dispute, nor establish territorial sovereignty claims; no new claims shall be asserted while the treaty is in force;
  • Article 5 - The treaty prohibits nuclear explosions or disposal of radioactive wastes;
  • Article 6 - Includes under the treaty all land and ice shelves but not the surrounding waters south of 60 degrees 00 minutes south;
  • Article 7 - Treaty-state observers have free access, including aerial observation, to any area and may inspect all stations, installations, and equipment; advance notice of all activities and of the introduction of military personnel must be given;
  • Article 8 - Allows for good jurisdiction over observers and scientists by their own states;
  • Article 9 - Frequent consultative meetings take place among member nations;
  • Article 10 - All treaty states will discourage activities by any country in Antarctica that are contrary to the treaty;
  • Article 11 - All disputes to be settled peacefully by the parties concerned or, ultimately, by the International Court of Justice;
  • Articles 12, 13, 14 - Deal with upholding, interpreting, and amending the treaty among involved nations.
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Q: What two provisions are in the Antarctic Treaty?
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A sentence for the word Antarctic?

The Antarctic Treaty was signed in 1959.

Who or what will benefit from the Antarctic Treaty?

All of planet earth benefits from the Antarctic Treaty, because science conducted there -- the study of the health of planet earth -- is shared with all countries that signed or ratified the Antarctic Treaty.

What are the countries not involved in the Antarctic Treaty?

afghanastan albania are in the treaty

What treaty was signed in 1959 by 12 nations?

iT WAS tHe Antarctic treaty!

When was the Antarctic Treaty broken?

The Antarctic Treaty has not been broken, it may have been violated, but it remains in full force and effect.

How is antarctica afected by minning?

There is no mining on the Antarctic continent: it is prohibited by the Antarctic Treaty.

Is the Antarctic Treaty International or American?

All treaties are international because they are formal agreements between two or more sovereign nations. Eighty percent of the earth's population lives under governments that ratified the Antarctic Treaty .

Does the Antarctic Treaty use tourism for money?

Tourism in Antarctica is governed by the Antarctic Treaty. The treaty governs all land and ice south of 60 degrees S, and its Marine Protocols protect the Southern Ocean that surrounds the continent. The Antarctic Treaty is an international agreement to govern -- in fact, a condominium form of government. There is no money paid by anyone to the 'Antarctic Treaty'.

What is the name of the treaty that governs Antarctica?

The treaty is called the Antarctic Treaty. You can read it, below.