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Q: What two structures control air pressure inside the lungs?
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What is the pressure inside the lungs called?

Intrapulmonary pressure

When Air moves out of the lungs the pressure inside the lungs is?

when air moves out of the lungs, the air pressure decreases

What are the structures you find inside the lungs that help us breathe?


Why does the lung collapse if intrapleural pressure is not maintain?

Inspiration happens when the pressure inside the lungs is lower than the atmospheric pressure (outside) and air rushes into the lungs. Expiration is when the air inside the lungs is higher than the atmospheric pressure and the air rushes out of the lungs. If the intrapleural pressure (pressure within the pleura of the lungs) isn't maintained then the pressure in the lungs can't differentiate between inspiration and expiration and so the lung collapses.

What happens when pressure is lower inside the lungs than outside the lungs?


What is Intrapulmonary pressure?

The intrapulmonary pressure is the pressure in the alveoli. Intrapulmonary pressure rises and falls with the phases of breathing, but it ALWAYS eventually equalizes with the atmospheric pressure.

Under what condition does air flow goes in to the lungs?

when pressure inside the lungs is lower then outer atmosphere

What effect does enlargement of the thoracic cavity has on the air pressure inside the lungs?

reduces intra-thoracic pressure which creates suction that draws air into lungs

How do you inhale and exhale in the respiratory system?

by the air pressure we have inside our lungs

If the pressure inside the lungs decreases outside air is pushed into the airways by what?

The pressure inside the lungs decreases as the ribcage moves out and up. Air from outside basically gets pushed in by other air molecules due to the pressure gradient (air moves from a high pressure to a low pressure)

To control my buoyancy as I ascend after a dive I should?

Gradually but continuously exhale. This is not only to control buoyancy, but to prevent damaging your lungs as the air in your lungs expands (due to external pressure decreasing, internal pressure increases)

When you inhale does pressure decrease inside or increase?

The act of inhaling is to create low pressure in the lungs, causing the air in the atmosphere to rush in as it is moving from a higher pressure (outside in the atmosphere) to the lower pressure (created in the lungs). However the fact that air does move into the lungs means that there is no net change in pressure.