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Q: What two ways human activity is causing a loss of biodiversity?
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What are the treats to the biodiversity?

-human activity -loss of critical wildlife habitat

What exactly is causing the loss of biodiversity?

Human, disease and natural disasters.

What is the the loss of biodiversity?

Human, disease and natural disasters.

Which of the following threats to biodiversity isn't directly due to humans?

Loss of habitat due to volcanic activity.

What are the nagetive human impact on biodiversity?

habitat loss and deforestation are important causes of species extinction over hunting has also been a significant cause of extinction of thousand of species Domino effects , pollution,climate change are important causes of loss of biodiversity this is because of humans people are cutting down the trees for making houses so the humans are having a role in loss of biodiversity

Most of the loss of biodiversity in ecosystems is caused by .?

loss of habitat

What are the examples of biodiversity loss?


What are the problems on a global scale of biodiversity if deforestation continues?

Deforestation results in the Loss of Biodiversity.

What is the primary causes for loss of biodiversity on earth?

loss of habitat

What are Effects of loss biodiversity in animal and plants?

BIODIVERSITY By Daniel Olsen Biodiversity interacts with our life majorly. We would not survive without it. By the large grow in greenhouse gasses by the past several years it has effected our Earths biodiversity at large.If our Earths biodiversity gets too damaged we could lose our fresh water causing larger water restrictions ,our reefs and our Alpine Areas.There would be more bushfires and effect our lives,home and property.It would spread Tropical diseases and parisites.There will be a large spread of weeds ,pests and bugs. It will damage or destroy our coastal areas and beaches.There will be a loss of Rainforests and jungles causing more deserts.

What is Biodiversity loss?

Biodiversity means the variety of animal species of animals and plants living in an environment. Simply put, loss of it means that the amount of species in a region is decreasing. Biodiversity is sometimes also used to include the genes of species.

How does population cause biodiversity loss?

An increase in population causes more houses to be built, which destroys forests and animal's habitats. Less forests and animals = biodiversity loss