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He would have worn the standard protection everyone with half a mind would have worn, a steel plated suit of armour and chain-mail armour. He never wore a kilt. He may have worn a surcoat over his armour which would have been emblazoned with his coat of arms.

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Q: What type of armor did William Wallace wear?
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Did William Wallace wear a kilt?

The real William Wallace did not wear a kilt. Historically, kilts weren't even around until the sixteenth century, and William Wallace was born in approximately 1272. I went to Scotland a couple of years ago, and while I was on a bus tour the guide told me William Wallace would have been too poor to have his own kilt, even if they had existed then. He told me that, like most other Scotsmen of that era, he would have worn trousers with a long shirt belted around the waist, or something like that.

On Roblox Heli Wars game how do you get armor?

when you get to the site go to my character and go to on shop and type in armor and some armor should come up. then if the armor you find doesn't come with pants go to my character and go to pants and click shop and type in armor. to put it on go to my character an click shirt and click wear and to put on pants click on pants and click wear

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Samauri Armor.

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sorta: mostly just a helmet and shield and sometimes leg or arm protection

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they didnt wear armor if you mean modern day times

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they didnt wear armor if you mean modern day times

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The type of armor Egyptian soldiers wore consisted of helmets, scales, gloves, and protective shields.

Do you think William Wallace and Joan of Arc would get along?

Probably, its an interesting question . Sir Wallace if it is who I think you mean was something of a Free-lance Warrior and unlike Joan did not have any religious or salvific(like the Crusades) motive. a better analogy would be Queen Isabella who did wear armor in the field- a Queen at Arms, literally, not merely a Girl Knight. I am speaking of Isabella I of Spain, Columbus" patron.

What did a knight wear on his chest?

Armor. A knight in shining ARMOR.