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well she is in the plain with the wayne and you call

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Q: What type of atoms do ionic bonds occur between?
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How do you tell if a bond is covalent?

if it occurs between non metal atoms. Covalent bonds can only occur between non metal atoms but Ionic bonds occur between metal and non metal atoms.

How is a covalent bond similar from an ionic bond?

They are not similar bonds. In fact, they are nearly opposite. Covalent bonds can occur between any two atoms and the bond is sharing electrons. Ionic bonds occur between any two different atoms and the bond is electromagnetic.

Purely ionic bonds do not occur because the atoms that gives up an electron in such a bond?

purley ionic bonds do not occour because the atoms that gives up an electron in such a bond

Differentiate between ionic bond and covalent bond?

Covalent bonds occur when electrons are shared between atoms. Ionic bonds occur when one atom transfers electrons to another atom, forming positive and negative ions. The electrostatic attraction between the oppositely charged atoms form an ionic bond.

What do ionic bonds generally occur between?

a nonmetal and a metal

What is the major difference between ionic and covalent bonds?

The major difference between the two is: - Ionic bonds occur between one metal and one non-metal (such as sodium and oxygen) - Covalent bonds occur between two non-metals.

Which type of bond is found between the atoms of a molecule?

There are many types of bonds that can occur. As a summary:Covalent bonds occur when electrons are shared. These are called polar covalent bonds when the electrons are shared between nuclei unequally. Example: methane, CH4; oxygen, O2.Ionic bonds occur when there is no sharing of electrons, one nucleus has the major if not entire electron and the other nucleus loses it. Example: sodium chloride, NaCl.There also metallic bonds in metals; van der Waal or dispersion forces between molecules or atoms; hydrogen bonding between molecules; and polar-polar interactions.

What does ionic bonding form and what does ot occur between?

Ionic bonds are formed by electrostatic attraction.

Ionic bonds occur between what elements?

a metal and a non metal

What is difference between ionic and covalent bond with respect to electron sharing and electron transferring?

Ionic bonding occurs between two metals or a non-metal and a metal. Covalent bonds occur between non-metals. An example of an ionic bond would be simple table salt NACL (sodium chloride) sodium being the "metal" and the clorine ion being the non-metal. The easiest way to distinguish between ionic and covalent bonding is to take a look at your periodic table. Atoms that form "ions" (this is where the name is derived) and carry an unstable valence electron level will form ionic compounds. These ions will be identified as either +N or -N numbers next to the atom. Covalent bonds almost always occur between atoms that do not form ions. Covalent bonds are typically much harder to break and form than ionic bonds. An example of a covalent bond would be CH4 (methane). Ionic bonds are said to have electrons transferred between the two materials whereas covalent bonds are said to "share" electrons. Hope this helps.

Between what two atoms do ester bonds occur?

carbon and oxygen

What are the three types of chemical bonds?

Covalent- Strongest (Split up into polar and nonpolar)IonicHydrogen- WeakestThree types of chemical bonds include the ionic bond, the covalent bond, and metallic bond. Ionic occur between oppositely charged ions, covalent bonds occure when atoms share electrons. Metallic bonds form in metals. Basicaly, in metals, the atoms of each metal share their electrons in a "sea of electrons."