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Minimum Required Liability InsuranceSpecific coverage limits are regulated by each individual state in the U.S.

But typically you are required to carry liability that will cover a specified amount in damages and personal injury if you are At Fault in an accident.

For specific limits in your state of residence you should call your local insurance agent and ask them. A local Insurance Agent doing business sin your state with be most familiar with your state regulations

AnswerIn U.S. the minimum auto coverage all drivers are required to have is for the damage of the other vehicle that is involved in the accident so if its your fault you pay for his repairs if his fault his insurance pays your repairs. Then they hit you will all additional stuff they want you to have so for my car i have Toyota Celica 2 door i had when i was 17 so my insurance was supposed to be like 200$ a month but with military USAA i pay 99$ i had 2 speeding tickets and its still the same. But all you have to have for minimum is coverage of other vehicle if involved in accident.
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Q: What type of auto coverage are drivers required to carry in most states?
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What are the requirements for PA auto insurance?

In PA you are required to carry at least liability coverage. This is the law in most states.

Is auto insurance required in pa?

All vehicle owners with a registered vehicle in the state of PA are required to bind and maintain continuous auto insurance coverage as mandated by the state. PA financial responsibility laws require that drivers carry a minimum amount of liability coverage and Personal Injury Protection coverage. The state requires that drivers carry no less than $15,000 per accident and $30,000 per accident in Bodily Injury Coverage and $5,000 per occurrence in Property Damage. While not every state requires drivers to carry Personal Injury Protection, (PIP), PA does require drivers to carry this for their own protection. PIP coverage provides first party benefits and is a form of medical payments coverage that is paid regardless of fault to the policyholder and passengers. You must carry a minimum of $5000 of PIP coverage to satisfy state laws.

Why doesn't my state minimum coverage apply to uninsured unlicensed driver for damages to my vehicle?

Talk to your state legislature about this one. The state minimum coverage is designed to eliminate uninsured drivers but it doesn't do that does it. Most states only require that you carry liability coverage so that if you hit someone else then their vehicle and damages are covered but not yours. You are responsible to carry coverage to protect your vehicle, assets, and bodily injury.

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Are bars required to carry liability insurance?

If you are in a DRAM Shop State - All US states are DRAM Shop except the following: Delaware, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Nebraska, Nevada, South Dakota and Virginia Therefore, if you are not one of the above listed states, you likely are required by law to carry Liquor Liability Insurance. To learn more about the coverage go to my YouTube channel: @TheInsuranceAgent1

Why would a company carry PLPD insurance?

ANYBODY needs the mandatory coverage - protects the drivers in the case of at fault

In Texas drivers are required by law to carry at least in automobile liability insurance for property damage.?

In Texas, Drivers are required to carry minimum liability limits for both property damage and personal injury to another.

Are Texas car insurance laws any different than the laws that most states have?

Yes, Texas car insurance laws have some unique requirements compared to other states. In Texas, drivers are required to carry liability insurance with specific minimum coverage amounts, and the state also offers a system called "protection against uninsured motorists." Additionally, Texas allows for the option of purchasing personal injury protection (PIP) coverage as part of an auto insurance policy.

What exactly does Florida uninsured motorist insurance cover?

Underinsured and uninsured motorist coverage protects drivers when the in Florida as the state does not require motorists to carry bodily injury coverage.

Financial responsibility of California law the minimum amount of insurance coverage drivers must carry is?

$15,000, $30,000, $5,000

Do Florida car owners have to carry the same coverage on all their vehicles?

No. You are free to choose whatever level of coverage you desire so long as it meets or exceeds the state required minimum coverage.