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Q: What type of biological toxin is predominantly derived from the bean of the castor plant Ricin Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B T-2 Mycotoxins Botulinum Neurotoxin?
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Is a neurotoxin an endotoxin?

Neurotoxins damage nerve cells. I believe that an endotoxin can be a neurotoxin, but a neurotoxin is not necessarily an endotoxin. Kinda like lead is a neurotoxin but a neurotoxin is not necessarily lead. An excitoxin is neurotoxin since exitotoxins damage nerve and glial cells. Endotoxins and exotoxins have to do with bacteria and if they cause nerve damage they would be considered neurotoxins.

What are the characteristics of exotoxins?

1.Found in both gram + and gram - bacteria 2.Toxic in small amounts 3.secreted by living bacteria 4.composed of proteins (polypeptides) 5.disease is caused by the toxin released, not the bacteria secreting it specific toxins (four classifications) *Neurotoxin- Attack the nervous system example= Clostridium tetani=tetanus Clostridium botulae=botulism *Enterotoxin-Attack the gastrointestinal system example= Vibrio cholerae =cholera *Hemotoxin= Attacks and destroys RBC's example= Streptococcus pyogenes=strep throat Staphylococcus aureus-MRSA *Cytotoxin= Kills any host cells example=diptheria

Are there toxic proteins in vegetables?

Some proteins can indeed be toxic. However, note that it is rare for a protein to be toxic.Yes pathogens produce and secrete toxic proteins to invade their host. Bacterial toxin such as hemolysin A, neurotoxin, botulinum toxin, tetanus toxin, Shiga toxin are all proteins. They are strongly antigenic can elicit immune response.

Is there a neurotoxin or other substance that can paralyze the body but keep a person in consciousness and that can be mixed with a liquid and still have its effect when drank?

There is a neurotoxin found in pufferfish, blue-ringed octopus, and in some other amphibians including newts, toads, and frogs called tetrodotoxin. See wikipedia for an exhaustive treatment of it's mechanism. Voodoo magicians in Haiti made this topic famous by using the toxin from a certain type of frog to induce a comatose-like state in a person. The person would be taken for dead, (and though still conscious) buried, and then exhumed by those who would use these brain-damaged people to work on sugar cane farms as slaves.

Does alcohol poisoning kill people?

Alcohol is a neurotoxin, anesthetic, and depressant. In sufficient quantities, it is fatal. The lethal dose varies with individuals. It can be as little as 0.30% blood alcohol content by volume, or as high (in rare cases) as 0.60. To put it in perspective, if a person with no alcohol tolerance chugged a liter of vodka and was able to keep it down, it would almost certainly kill them.