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Q: What type of blood do I have if my parents are A negative and B positive?
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Can two parents with A positive blood have a child with O negative blood type?


Can parents having blood type AB positive and O negative have a child with O positive blood type?


If both parents have positive blood type will the child have a positive?

Probably, because it only takes one positive gene to have positive type blood. But if the positive parents each have one positive and one negative gene, there is a 25% chance their child will be negative.

Can negative and a positive blood type make a positive?

If one of the parents is A positive, the child could be A positive.

What type of blood would you have if both your parents have RH blood type?

Rh is not a blood type by itself but is just one part of what makes up a blood type. There are two parts to blood typing: the ABO aspect and the Rh factor. One has blood type A, B, AB, or O, AND then is either Rh positive, or Rh negative. Hence why you hear blood types like A positive, O negative, etc. The positive/ negative is referring to the Rh factor. Rh positive is dominant, so one only needs one Rh positive parent so be Rh positive. Rh negative is recessive. If both parents are Rh negative, the child they have must be Rh negative as well. To know what blood type you could be, you need to know your parents' entire blood type.

Related questions

Can a child have a negative blood types if the parents are both a positive?

Yes! Parents have two genes for pos/neg blood type, and only one of them needs to be positive for the parent to have positive blood type. Most positive-blooded people have one positive gene and one negative gene. If both positive parents pass on their negative gene, they can have a child with a negative blood type.

Can two parents who have positive blood type have a child with negative blood type?

yes they can

Can parents with A negative mother and A positive father blood type have a child with an O positive blood type?


Can two parents with A positive blood have a child with O negative blood type?


Can two parents who have negative blood type have a child with positive blood type?

most probably not.

Can parents having blood type AB positive and O negative have a child with O positive blood type?


If both parents have positive blood type will the child have a positive?

Probably, because it only takes one positive gene to have positive type blood. But if the positive parents each have one positive and one negative gene, there is a 25% chance their child will be negative.

Can negative and a positive blood type make a positive?

If one of the parents is A positive, the child could be A positive.

Will parents with a positive blood type have children with a positive blood type?

There is 50% that children will be of negative blood type if parents are heterozygous positive. 25% if one parent is homozygous and other heterozygous. 0% if both homozygous.

Can two parents with o positive have a child with a A negative blood type?

it is possible but the child can be a positive

How can a baby have b negative blood when both parents are b positive?

If both parents have Type B blood the only blood type the child can have is either B or O not looking at whether one of the parents is negative or not.

Can a A positive blood type mother give birth to Rh negative daughter?

Can a child with RH neg blood come from parents that are A positive and A negative