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I Believe the answer is sequence of nitrogen bases.

70 Year old woman in 5th Grade , i think i know this.

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Q: What type of bond holds one nitrogen base to its complementary base?
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What type of bond holds the base pair together?

The nitrogen bases are held together by hydrogen bonds.

What type of bond holds the two atoms of nitrogen together in the nitrogen gas?

Covalent bond

How are complementary sequences held together?

Complementary sequences of DNA, which pair the nucleotide base adenine with thymine, and cytosine with guanine, are held together by hydrogen bonds. The nucleotide bases are partially made up of nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen molecules bonded together. On each base, one nitrogen is bonded to a hydrogen. Nitrogen is very electronegative, meaning that it pulls hydrogen's electron closer to it and becomes slightly negative. This leaves a slightly positive hydrogen sticking out. Each base also has an oxygen sticking out with a pair of electrons ready for bonding. These electrons can not bond with hydrogen, as hydrogen is already in a bond with nitrogen and can only form one bond. However, they are negatively charged and strongly attract the slightly positive hydrogen on the opposite complimentary base. This pattern means that two hydrogen bonds are formed each pair of complementary bases, holding complementary sequences together.

What bond exist between each nitrogen base?

hydrogen bond

What type bond occur during complementary base pairing?

Hydrogen bonding

Is the diatomic molecule nitrogen held by covalent bond?

Three covalent bonds. One sigma bonds and two pi bonds. This is why many explosives, many containing nitrogen, are powerful. Nitrogen's triple bond holds a lot of energy

What type of bond between nitrogen base pyrimidine and pentose sugar?

can somebody answer please

The nitrogen base adenine is complimentary to?

it is complimentary to thymine. it forms a double bond with thymine.

Is nitrogen a covalent bond?

Nitrogen is not a bond; it is the single element Nitrogen.

What type of bond is nitrogen and nitrogen?

This bond is covalent.

What type of bond holds together 2 strands of DNA?

Hydrogen bonding holds together the two strands of a double stranded DNA. Hydrogen bonding exists between the nitrogen base pairs.

The type of bond that holds molecules of DNA in their characteristic shape is called?

The hydrogen bonds between the comlementary nitrogen bases and the hydrophobic interactions between the adjascent base pairs held the DNA molecule in its exact shape.