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Q: What type of bond is formed between the two chlorine atoms in a Chlorine molecule?
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What type of bond is formed between two chlorine atoms in a chlorine molecule?

Covalent. Non-metals tend to share electrons

What bond is formed when a chlorine atom comes in contact with another chlorine atom?

A nonpolar covalent bond forms when two chlorine atoms combine to form a chlorine (Cl2) molecule.

When one molecule of sodium combined with one molecule of chlorine what is formed?

Sodium chloride is formed. Its formula is NaCl.

What is the formula of the ionic compound formed between magnesium and chlorine?

The ionic compound formed between magnesium and chlorine has the formula MgCl2.

Is CL2 an expected ionic bonding?

The chlorine molecule is formed by two chlorine atoms. Any compound which is formed by the same non metal element is expected to be covalent.

What is the chemical formula for chlorine Chloride?

Is formed from reaction below: Cl2 + H2O ----> HClO + HCL Where HClO is chlorine water and the other product is hydrochloric acid.

Is chlorine molecular monatomic or lattices?

Usually you would name chlorine as an element, and not an atom. An element has atoms, and there can be a chlorine atom. But according to terminology, you would name it as an element.

Is carbon and chlorine have covalent bond?

Yes. a covalent bond is formed between carbon and chlorine.

What is the formula for compound rubidium and chlorine?

The compound formed between rubidium and chlorine has the formula RbCl.

What is the difference among chlorine atoms chlorine molecules and chlorine ions?

A neutral chlorine atom has 7 valence electrons and needs one more valence electron in order to be stable with an octet. A chlorine molecule consists of two chlorine atoms that have formed a covalent bond between them, so that each chlorine atom effectively has an octet of valence electrons, which makes the chlorine atoms stable. A chloride ion is a chlorine atom that has gained an electron, becoming a charged particle with a charge of 1-.

What is the relationship between sodium chlorine and table salt?

Table salt is a compound formed by reaction between sodium and chlorine.

How many atoms make up cl2?

Cl2 is a molecule formed of 2 atoms of Chlorine.