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Electronegativity is a property that differs with each element and forms different kinds of bonds based on the difference between two atoms. Using the Arbitrary Pauling Scale, a difference of 0 to .4 indicates a nonpolar covalent bond, .5 to 1.9 indicates a polar covalent bond, and 2.0 and above indicates an ionic bond.

In covalent bonds the atoms are pulling on the electrons with little enough difference so as to be able to share them, and in a nonpolar covalent bond the electrons more or less equally distanced from each atom. In ionic bonds, one atom pulls electrons so strongly that it removes the electrons from orbit and essentially steals them. The bond forms when one atom has become an anion (electronegative) and the other a cation (electropositive) and the ions of different charges attract each other.
When there is no difference in electronegativity between the atoms the bond formed is called a "non-polar covalent bond."

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Q: What type of bonds are formed with electronegativity?
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How is electronegativity used to determine bond types?

If the electronegativity difference is less than 2, then covalent bonds are formed. If the electronegativity difference is greater than 2, then ionic bonds are formed.

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answer want me to give them an answer and i came here for an answer...wat the

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Ionic bonds are formed between atoms with large differences in electronegativity.

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Typically, a metal and a nonmetal will form an ionic bond. You can also go by electronegativity. The difference in electronegativity can be used to predict the type of bond between atoms. Elements with electronegativity differences between 1.6 and 2.0 form ionic bonds if a metal is involved. Elements with electronegativity differences of 2.0 or greater form ionic bonds.

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If the electronegativity difference between the two atoms is above 1.7, then ionic bond is formed and if the difference is below 1.7, then covalent bond is formed.

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Covalent bonds are formed when electrons are shared between elements, electronegativity holds them together

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which type of bond is formed when there is zero difference in electronegativity

Can you use electronegativity to determine bonds?

yes. If the electronegativity differnce between two atoms is greater than 1.7, then an ionic bond is formed between them. If the electronegativity differnce between two atoms is less than 1.7, then a covalent bond is formed between them.

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Covalent bonds form between nonmetals, the electronegativity of each atom determines what type of covalent bond (polar or nonpolar) is formed.

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What type of bond is between Metals with nonmetals of differing electronegativities?

If the difference in electronegativity between the metal and the non metal is above 1.7, then ionic bond is formed. If the difference in electronegativity between the metal and the non metal is below 1.7, then polar covalent bond is formed.

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