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a plant cell

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Q: What type of cell has a large central vacuole that controls water pressure?
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Why arent animal cells capable of tugor pressure?

In a plant cell, the large central vacuole takes in the water and gives the turgor pressure in plant which allows it to stand up. The animal cells do not have this large central vacuole, and it is unable to maintain all the water and give the turgor pressure.

What does a large center vacuole do?

a large vacuole is not the same as a central vacuole. a large central vacuole is only for trees. a large vacuole is only for flowers

What is the purpose of the large central vacuole?

To regulate hydrostatic pressure,protects, supports growth \m, and desttoys invading bacteris

Where are wastes stored in plants?

in the large central vacuole

Does a plant cell have a large central vacuole?


Do virus have large central vacuole?

No they do not. They do not have any organelle

Large liquid filled organelle in plant cells?

The large liquid filled organelle in plants is known as a vacuole.

Is a druse crystal in a plant cell?

Yes, they usually are there in the vacuole membrane or large central vacuole.

Where are waste products stored in plants?

in the large central vacuole

What is a large membrane-bound sac for rigidity?

Central Vacuole

What is the name of the large central vacuole in a plant cell?


What would the large central vacuole be in a cell city?

A landfill