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Mutts. The size of silkies - arent truly bantams or large fowl.

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Q: What type of chicks will a rhode island red hen have if a bantam fertilized her eggs?
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Which bantam is best egg layer?

Rhode island reds

Will it hurt our bantam hens if there are fertilized by a rhode island red I mean will the eggs be bigger?

You should never incourage a Large Fowl rooster to breed with Bantam hens. He could very seriously damage/hurt the hens, and probably kill them in the process of mating. Breeding a LF male to Bantam females can not make the egg size of the hens bigger. The hen will lay the same size egg all her life.

If you cross white leghorn rooster with rhode island red hen will the chicks be sex links or mixed?

NO, neither breed is sexlinked. What you need to do is breed a Rhode Island Red or New Hampshire rooster with a Barred Rock(Black Stars) or Rhode Island Red or New Hampshire rooster and a Silver Laced Wyandotte, Rhode Island White or Delaware hen(all Red Stars) and you will get sexlinked chicks. The chicks that hatch out solid black are pullets(hens) and the chicks that hatch out black but with a large yellow dot on top of their heads are cockerels(males).This answer is wrong. The rooster has to be the Rhode Island Red and the hen the White Leghorn. The pullets will have reddish fluff and the males will have yellow fluff leading to white feathers.

What breed of bantam chicken lays the largest eggs?

The dutch bantam lays more than an average large fowl. (At 270 a year plus.) But is still one of the smallest. The rhode island red bantam is large, so should lay large eggs.

Are bantam chickens good egg layers?

Egg quantities differ depending on what bantam species lays them but the eggs are much smaller than a standard size chicken. A bantam Silkie will lay well below average when compared to a Rhode Island Red Bantam is reference to size not an individual breed.

How much money is used to buy chicks?

In Oregon, Rhode Island Red Chicks can be purchased for $2 a piece. Check the related links below for a link.

What chickens ar right for me?

It depends what your looking for and what is available in your location. If your looking for an affectionate breed that is good with children and makes a great pet i would suggest either a handtamed Silkie Bantam, Wyandotte Bantam, Modern Game Bantam, Old English Game Bantam or Japanese Bantam. If your looking for a chicken breed to set as broody hens (to sit on eggs and get chicks) Silkie Bantams, Wyandottes and even Rhode Island Reds may be suitable (Defiantely the Silkie's though). If you are looking for a chicken to lay eggs i'd recommend the average layer hens (also known as ISA Reds/ISA Browns who are bred not to go broody so you will never get chicks and will have a continous supply of eggs), Australorps and maybe even Orpingtons.

What kind of rooster do you have?

Rhode Island Red. I have an Araucana rooster who's name is Alektorophobia (ALEK) and a bantam Barred Rock rooster named Checkers

Do black sex-link chickens come in bantam size?

Black Sex-link is a breed. It is the size it is - a large-size breed. Bantams are small chickens.Think of dogs. A German shepherd is a breed. It CANNOT be the size of a toy poodle. Neither can a Black Sex-link be the size of a banty. Take a Barred Rock Bantam Hen to a Rhode Island Red Bantam to get the Black sex link bantam

What would chicks look like if rooster is white leghorn and hen a Rhode Island red?

a light red with males with lighter heads

What are different kind of breed of chicken?

There are a few different breeds of chicken. There are the Australorp, Black Shumen, Cubalaya, Silkie Bantam, Rhode Island Red, Delaware, are just a few of the breeds.

What is a 3 year old bantam chicken worth?

It would depend on the breed, a rare bantam show bird would bring more than say a bantam Cochin past prime layer age. It could bring as little as $3.00 for a Rhode Island Red or as high as $50.00 for a pure bred Phoenix with some egg potential left.