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Q: What type of committee generally called to investigate an issue for possible future legislation or to perform a special function that is beyond the authority of a standing committee is known as what?
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What is the role of committees in state legislature?

Without knowing jurisdiction its hard to give specifics, but legislative committees (well, committees generally) are a bunch of people who, with the authority of the legislature are tasked with looking in depth at an issue, be it a piece of legislation or some such. A standing committee is a committee that always exists, who is usually tasked with looking at a whole area (Ie. Health, defence etc), a select committee is a temporary committee created too look at something specific, usually a bill, then report back to the legislature at which point it ceases to exist.

How are committee chairmen chosen?

Committee chairmen are chosen based on seniority, expertise, and party affiliation in the U.S. Congress. In general, the majority party in Congress selects committee chairmen, usually based on recommendations from party leaders. Chairmanships can also be influenced by internal committee rules and traditions.

Does the Chair of a Committee have a casting vote?

Generally, yes..... but it will depend on the rules / standing orders of the particular committee or organisation.

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Congressional committee chairmen generally are members of the majority party?

Yes in general, committee chairmen are selected from members of the majority party.

The state party organizations?

are generally loosely tied to the national committee.

Is it illegal to block television signals?

Depending on your countries legislation but generally yes it is

Write down the point of distinction between power and authority?

Generally the terms 'authority' and 'power' are used interchangeably.

The Federalists generally?

supported increasing the authority of the national government

What is the purpose of creating a committee in an organization?

The purpose of committees is generally planning and decision making.

Can anyone block a public path?

Generally, no they cannot, but local legislation may apply.

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the wing commander