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Ionic compounds are made up of positively charged cations and negatively charged anions.

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Q: What type of compound is composed of negatively and postively charge atoms?
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How can you charge an object negatively with only the help of a postively charge object?

By rubbing them together.

Is it true that when salt formed by postively charged sodium ions and negatively charged chlorine ions the charge on the salt becomes positive?

No. The compound salt is neither.

Is carbon postively charged?

No. Any element on its own is neutral, meaning it does not have a charge. Carbon rarely forms ions, and when it does they are negatively charged.

What type of charge do proton nuetron and electron have?

A proton has a positive charge and a neutron has a negative. The nutron travels in shells around the nucleus. this is what the bonding in a compound uses - convalent and ionic bonding. The ratio between the protons and the neutrons tell us whether something is postively charged or negatively charged.

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Were composed of no charge particles .

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Ions composed of nitrogen and oxygen are negatively charged, they do not have positive charges.

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Which type of compound is composed of negatively or positively charged?

Ionic Compound:Is composed of negatively and positively charged atoms. The positive and negative atoms are attracted to each other and create a chemical bond. When the elements of a metal and a nonmetal are combined, they form an ionic compound. Ionic compounds are similar to magnets. There are positive and negative attractions. It is the same with atoms that has a positive or a negative charge is called an ion. Positive and negative ions attract each other. :3

What is a postively charged particles?

Protons carry a positive charge, electrons carry a negative charge and neutrons do not carry a charge.

Is an atom postively charged negatively charged or neutral?

The overall charge of the atom is neutral. The nucleus contains neutrons (neutral) and protons (positive) making it positive. There are electrons (negative) outside the nucleus, so the positive nucleus and the negative electrons make the overall charge neutral.

What is the charge on the cation in the ionic compound?

The positively charged ion is the cation. Negatively charged ions are called anions.

What will happen if a negatively charged rod is brought close to a small plastic ball if the ball is postively charged?

They will attract becuase oppsites attract. If something is positivley charge and the other this is negativley charged they will almost always attract. Hope I helped.